De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/22–702

Het zal voor velen misschien geen verrassing meer zijn, maar de eerste bemande lancering van Starliner is alweer uitgesteld. Al was dat niet echt de schuld van de capsule. De raket kende problemen. De grondsystemen betrokken bij de countdown kende problemen. Benieuwd of bij de volgende poging (misschien op 5 juni) het weer zijn duit in het zakje wil doen.  Hoe dan ook, de vierde lancering van Starship is ook een dagje uitgesteld.

En buiten het feit dat er weer heel wat lanceringen hebben plaats gehad (met een mislukte Noordkoreaanse) kwam er afgelopen nacht nog positief nieuws uit China. Vanop de Maan. Want Chang'e-6 is veilig en wel geland en kan nu beginnen met het opgraven van een bodemmonster om dat vervolgens naar de Aarde te sturen.

Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.

Bij de foto: Het moet toch een beetje frusterend zijn voor deze twee. Butch Wilmore en Suni Williams zijn de twee astronauten die de bemanning vormen voor de Starliner CFT missie. Een tweede keer in enkele weken tijd namen ze plaats in hun capsule. En opnieuw mocht het niet zijn. Foto: NASA/Glenn Benson.



Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws. 


Nieuws van arcsec en Aerospacelab.
Een artikel van arcsec over de eerste SSA Capable Star Tracker vind je via deze linkedin-post.

En Aerospacelab is opgenomen in ESA’s ScaleUp Program.
En het blijkt goed te gaan met PVCC – Proba V Companion Cubesat.


België en de deze week gelanceerde EarthCARE.
Voor de lancering zelf, zie verder.
Het KMI werkte mee aan één van de instrumenten. Zie hier voor een beetje meer info.

Ook Spacebel deed zijn duid in het zakje.


DUSTER en de geheimen van de Maan.
BIRA: DUSTER: Dusting the moon to discover its secrets.
Meer info over DUSTER vind je hier.



De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.  


27.05.2024 – Noordkoreaanse lancering mislukt.
Eerst enkele voorbeschouwingen: 
AlJazeera: North Korea plans to launch space satellite by June 4: Japan.
NHK World: Ex-ASDF chief: Purported N.Korea satellite apparently for monitoring US bases.
Reuters: Japan demands North Korea cancel satellite rocket launch, spokesperson says.
SatTrackCam: New North Korean launch (Malligyong-2) upcoming.

Over de mislukte lancering: 
AlJazeera: North Korea says rocket carrying satellite exploded in flight.
Kyodo News: North Korea fails in its latest attempt to launch military satellite.
The Times Tribune (AP): North Korea Says Its Attempt To Put Another Spy Satellite Into Orbit Has Failed.
Space Policy Online: North Korean military satellite launch fails.
Reuters: North Korea says it tried new fuel in satellite launch that ended in fiery explosion.
SpaceCom: US condemns failed North Korean rocket launch as breach of international security: report.
TASS: Seoul labels North Korea's failed satellite launch as provocation.
NK News: North Korea conducted multiple engine tests before latest failed rocket launch.
Star & Stripes: South Korea’s military releases rare video of North’s latest failed satellite launch.

CNA: What to make of North Korea's rare admission of failed satellite launch?


28.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 6-60 (CCSFS).
De lancering werd even uitgesteld.
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites from Florida on May 28.

NSF: SCRUB: SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 6-60.
SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 169 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 28 May 2024.


29.05.2024 – Falcon 9 lanceert Europees/Japanse EarthCARE.
ESA: Last look at EarthCARE.
ESA: EarthCARE ready for launch.
ESA: Earthcare on the launch pad.
ESA: EarthCARE launched to study role of clouds and aerosols in Earth's climate.

Space News
: Falcon 9 launches ESA’s EarthCARE mission.
Space Voyaging: Falcon 9 Launches EarthCARE: A New Era in Cloud Prediction.
NSF: SpaceX has launched the EarthCARE climate research satellite for ESA and JAXA.

: Europese EarthCARE satelliet gelanceerd om de rol van wolken en aërosolen in het klimaat op aarde te bestuderen.

SpaceX: Live verslag.
ESA: Replay: EarthCARE launch coverage.
SciNews: EarthCARE launch.


29.05.2024 – Chinese Ceres 1S lanceert vier Tianqi-satellieten.
ECNS: China's commercial rocket launches satellites from sea (met video).
ECNS: China sends four satellites from sea (foto’s).

CCTV: Chinese Commercial Rocket Firm Improves Sea Launch Capability for Satellite Deployment.
SciNews: Ceres-1S launches four Tianqi satellites.


30.05.2024 – Russische Progress MS-27 gelanceerd richting ISS.
Op 28 mei vertrok Progress MS-25 (zie het hoofdstuk over het ISS voor meer detail).
TASS: Carrier rocket for Progress MS-27 spaceship assembled — Roscosmos.
TASS: Progress resupply ship installed on Baikonur launch pad for flight to orbital outpost.
TASS: Russia’s Soyuz 2.1a rocket with Progress MS-27 resupply ship launches to orbital outpost.

Roscosmos TV: Lancering Soyuz MS-27.
Roscosmos TV: Lancering Soyuz MS-27 (technische uitzending).
NASA: Progress 88 Cargo Ship Launch from Baikonur Cosmodrome – Friday, May 30, 2024.
SciNews: Progress MS-27 launch.


30.05.2024 – Chinese LM 3B/E lanceert Pakistaanse comsat Paksat-MM1.
ECNS: China puts Pakistani satellite into orbit.
ECNS: China launches communication satellite for Pakistan (foto’s).

CGTN: China launches Paksat MM1 satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches PakSat-MM1.


30.05.2024 – Na herhaaldelijk uitstel omwille van technische problemen slaagde de suborbitale lancering van een nieuwe Indische private raket.
Het gaat om de SorTeD ofwel de Agnibaan SubOrbital Technological Demonstrator.
Times Of India: Agnikul's single-stage tech demo rocket 'SOrTeD' launch called off after two ‘holds’.
The Hindu: India's space startup Agnikul Cosmos calls off maiden rocket launch for a fourth time.
WHBL: India’s space startup calls off maiden rocket launch for a fourth time.

: Indian Launch Startup Agnikul Notches First Suborbital Flight.
Spacewatch Global: Agnikul Cosmos Launches 3D-Printed Semi-Cryogenic Rocket.

CNBC TV18: LIVE: Agnikul Cosmos Launches World's First 3D-Printed Rocket Engine | The 'Agnibaan's' Launch Story.


31.05.2024 – Chinese Ceres 1 lanceert 5 satellieten.
De vijf zijn: Jiguang (Aurora) 01, Jiguang (Aurora) 02, Zhangjiang Gaoke, Yunyao 01-26 en Hebei Linxi 01. 
ECNS: China sends five satellites into space (foto’s).

New China TV: Xinhua News | Chinese rocket launches 5 satellites into space.
SciNews: Ceres-1 launches five satellites.


31.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 6-64 (CCSFS).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites into orbit from Florida in late-night liftoff.

SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 170 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 1 June 2024.


01.05.2024 – Lancering RocketLab Electron uitgesteld.
NASA SSM Blog: Launch Set for NASA’s Second PREFIRE Climate Mission.
NASA SSM Blog: NASA’s New Climate Mission to Launch Second Satellite.
NASA SSM Blog: Live Coverage of NASA’s PREFIRE Launch Now Underway.
NASA SSM Blog: NASA’s PREFIRE Mission: Small Satellites, Big Science.
NASA SSM Blog: Rocket Lab’s Electron Rocket Go for Launch!
NASA SSM Blog: Countdown Resumes For PREFIRE Launch.
NASA SSM Blog: Second PREFIRE Launch is Delayed.

RocketLab: SCRUBBED | Rocket Lab - 'PREFIRE & Ice' Launch.
SciNews: Electron aborted launch.


01.06.2024 – Starliner CFT opnieuw uitgesteld, deze keer door problemen met de grondcomputers.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners ‘Go’ for Crew Flight Test Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners Ready for Starliner Launch.
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s Astronauts Suit Up for Boeing Crew Flight Test Launch
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Launch Milestones
NASA CCP Blog: NASA Astronauts Wave to Family, Friends as They Head to Launch Pad
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s Boeing Astronauts at Launch Pad
NASA CCP Blog: Meet the NASA Boeing Crew Flight Test Astronauts
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Hatch Closed, What’s Inside Starliner
NASA CCP Blog: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Access Arm Retracts
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Boeing Crew Flight Test Launch Scrubs Saturday
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners to Update Media on Starliner Crew Flight Test
NASA CCP Blog: NASA, Mission Partners Forgo June 2 Launch of Crew Flight Test.

De laatste stappen richting een lancering op 1 juni … 
SpaceCom: Boeing Starliner astronauts arrive at launch site for 1st flight test on June 1.
SpaceCom: Boeing Starliner capsule's 1st astronaut mission cleared for June 1 liftoff.
Space News: Starliner ready for next crewed test flight launch attempt.
Ars Technica: Boeing’s Starliner capsule poised for second try at first astronaut flight.

… maar het mocht weer niet zijn. 
Space News: Starliner launch attempt scrubbed.
NSF: Boeing’s Starliner stands down from launch attempt.
Ars Technica: Boeing’s Starliner test flight scrubbed again after hold in final countdown.
Spaceflight Now: NASA foregoes Sunday launch, delaying Starliner takeoff to at least Wednesday.

Spaceflight Now: Watch Live: Atlas 5 rocket rolls to launch pad at Cape Canaveral for Boeing's Starliner launch.
Boeing: Boeing Starliner Returned to Pad for CFT Launch.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Prelaunch News Conference (May 31, 2024).
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Launch – June 1, 2024 (Official NASA Broadcast)
NASA: NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test Launch Status News Conference (June 1, 2024)
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Broadcast Begins.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Suit Up in Astronaut Crew Quarters.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Walkout from Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Crew Ingress.
SciNews: Starliner aborted launch.





Goed nieuws vanwege Vega-C.
ESA: Successful engine test boosts Vega-C towards return-to-flight.
ESA: Zefiro-40 hot fire test.

Space News
: Redesigned Vega C motor passes static-fire test.
Space Voyaging: Vega C: Successful First Test of the Upgraded Zefiro 40 Engine.


Ursa Major test Draper-raketmotor.
Space News: Ursa Major completes ground tests of new hypersonic rocket engine.
Payload: Ursa Fired its Draper Engine In Under A Year.


Wachten op Ariane VI.
ESA: Ariane 6 infographic: participating states.
EuroNews Tech Talks: Europe's space sector to soon welcome Ariane 6: 'The missions will be longer and more versatile'.

Een beetje geschiedenis:
CNES: De l’Algérie à la Guyane.

ESA: Passengers of the first Ariane 6 launch  #shorts.


Japanner Maezawa ziet af van dearMoon – Geen Starship rond de Maan voor hem en zijn 8 gezellen.
dearMoon:  Notice of Project Cancellation (PDF).
Ars Technica: Here’s why a Japanese billionaire just canceled his lunar flight on Starship.
Space Policy Online: Elon Musk’s first Starship customer calls it quits.
Universe Today: Japanese Billionaire Calls Off His Starship Trip Around the Moon.



Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.


28.05.2024 – Progress MS-25 verlaat het ISS en vergaat in de atmosfeer.
Zo werd er plaats gemaakt voor Progress Ms-27, gelanceerd op 30.05 (zie het hoofdstuk over de lanceringen).
TASS: Russia’s Progress MS-25 cargo ship undocks from ISS to vacate port for new space freighter.
TASS: Russia’s Progress MS-25 cargo craft splashes down in Pacific — Roscosmos.

: Robotic Russian cargo ship leaves the ISS, burns up in Earth's atmosphere.

Roscosmos TV: Live – Het vertrek van Progress MS-25.
SciNews: Progress MS-25 undocking.


01.06.2024 – Progress MS-27 koppelt met succes aan het ISS.
TASS: Progress space freighter to dock at ISS.
TASS: Progress MS-27 space freighter successfully docks to ISS.

: Roscosmos Progress 88 cargo spacecraft docks at International Space Station.

Roscomsos: Koppeling Progress MS-27 met ISS (live).
SciNews: Progress MS-27 docking.


ESA en de nieuwe Europese commerciële cargo-capsules.
Ars Technica: Europe seeks to emulate NASA’s revolutionary commercial cargo program.


ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Cargo Ship Departs, Two Rockets Near Launch During Busy Day on Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Preps, Science Hardware Work Top Wednesday’s Schedule.
NASA ISS Blog: Progress Cargo Craft Launches, En Route to Station.
NASA ISS Blog: Spacewalk Preps as Station Waits for Weekend Cargo and Crew Missions.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Works Biology, Spacesuits; Awaits Spacecraft Arrival.

: ISS Daily Summary Report – 23/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 24/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 28/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 29/05/2024.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 30/05/2024.


ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Space News: LEOcloud to send Space Edge datacenter to ISS.

NASA: Space to Ground: Set for Launch: May 31, 2024
NASA: Space Station Crew Talks With WSYR-TV Syracuse, New York - Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
NASA: Space Station Crew Talks with The Weather Channel 240529.
NASA: Astronaut Matt Dominick Talks with KUSA-TV Denver.


Commerciële ruimtestations – Starlab – Meer firma’s sluiten zich aan.
Voyager Space: Starlab Space Secures Three Cargo Missions from The Exploration Company – Nyx.
Payload: Starlab Adds New Partner, Cargo Flights To Its Space Station Plan.

Space News
: MDA Space joins Starlab Space commercial space station venture.
SpaceQ: MDA Space takes equity stake in Starlab Space, a next generation space station effort.


Commerciële ruimtestations – Sierra Space kiest Japanse koppelingspoort voor ruimtestation.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space selects Japanese passive docking system for its commercial space station design.


CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
ECNS: Shenzhou XVIII crew conducts 1st spacewalk.
Foto’s van de ruimtewandeling vind je hier.
SpaceCom: Chinese astronauts perform record-breaking spacewalk outside Tiangong space station.

CCTV+: Shenzhou-18 Crew Conduct Scientific Experiments in Space.
CCTV: Shenzhou-18 Crew to Conduct Extravehicular Activities.
CCTV+: China's Shenzhou 18 Crew Completes First Spacewalk.
CGTN: Shenzhou-18 crew conducts their first spacewalk.
SciNews: Shenzhou-18 astronauts complete first spacewalk.



Naar de Maan (en Mars).


Artemis 2.

NASA: Artemis II Crew Training Reel.


Artemis 4 - Gateway.
ESA: New milestone for the Gateway: life inside Lunar I-Hab.

NASA: Gateway - Lunar Space Station Trailer.


Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: NASA Welcomes Peru as 41st Artemis Accords Signatory.
NASA: NASA Welcomes Slovakia as New Artemis Accords Signatory.
Space News: Peru and Slovakia sign the Artemis Accords.
Space Policy Online: Artemis Accords gain two more signatories.

: NASA to Measure Moonquakes With Help From InSight Mars Mission.
Universe Today: How Much Water Would a Self-Sustaining Moonbase Need?

: Houston, We have a podcast: Certifying Artemis Rocket Engines.

The Planetary Society: International integration: The path from the Moon to Mars - Planetary Radio.


Starship – 06.06.2024 – IFT-4.
Payload: SpaceX Sets Starship Flight 4 Launch Date and Details Improvements.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fuels Starship megarocket again to prep for test flight .

The Space Bucket: What Upgrades Were Made To Starship’s Next Prototype?
LabPadre Space: We're Getting Close!!! SpaceX Preps For Starship's 4th Launch - SpaceX Weekly #116.
NSF: Everything Is Falling Into Place (For Starship Flight 4) | Starbase Update.
NSF: SpaceX Performs Second Wet Dress Rehearsal of Fourth Starship Flight Stack.
WAI: SpaceX Flight 4 Starship Performs Full Wet Dress Rehearsal!
NSF: Starship Flight 4 WDR Take 2 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAJ: SpaceX Finally CLEARS Starship For Flight 4!
Everyday Astronaut: What's different and new on Starship Flight 4?
Marcus House: SpaceX Starship Launch Rundown: Excitement Guaranteed!
NSF: Flight Termination Charges Installed for Starship Flight 4 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: Launch Delayed? But Vehicle Restacked! - Countdown to Launch.



Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.


SLIM is voorgoed ingeslapen.
Space Policy Online: SLIM sleeps in this month.
SpaceCom: The cold lunar night may have finally swallowed Japan's SLIM moon lander.


Het einde voor Japanse Venussonde Akatsuki.
Ars Technica: Our only mission at Venus may have just gone dark.
SpaceCom: Japan loses contact with Akatsuki, humanity's only active Venus probe.


Chang’e 6 staat op de Maan.
Space News: Chang’e-6 set for weekend landing attempt as sun rises over Apollo crater.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Far Side Moon Mission: Preparing for Landing, Sample Return.

: China lands on moon's far side in historic sample-retrieval mission.
Space News: Chang’e-6 lands on far side of the moon to collect unique lunar samples.
Collect Space: China's Chang'e-6 lands on moon to bring back first far side samples.

CGTN: China's Chang'e-6 lands on moon's far side to collect samples.
CGTN: Amazing Chang'e 6 moon landing video released.
SciNews: Chang’e-6 landed on the Moon.
SciNews: Chang’e-6 landing (Onboard Camera View).


Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

ESA: ESA’s Solar Orbiter traces solar wind to its source.
ESA: Solar Orbiter observes an active patch of the Sun.
Universe Today: The Sun’s Magnetic Field Might Only Be Skin Deep.
SpaceCom: Solar Orbiter traces solar wind back to its mysterious source for 1st time.

ExecutivGov: SDA Plans to Build 2 Ground Systems for Fire Control Satellites.
ESA: Een groener spel: ruimtevaarttechnologie bespaart water op Roland-Garros.
Airbus: Airbus delivers first Sentinel-5 instrument for satellite integration.

Science Daily: New technique offers more precise maps of the Moon's surface.

NASA: Ongoing Venus Volcanic Activity Discovered With NASA’s Magellan Data.
Universe Today: Volcanoes Were Erupting on Venus in the 1990s.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4195-4198: Feels Like Summer.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4199-4201: Driving Through a Puzzle.
Universe Today: Mars InSight Has One Last Job: Getting Swallowed by Dust on the Red Planet.
ESA: Fly across Nili Fossae with ESA’s Mars Express.
SciNews (filmpje): Phobos seen by ESA’s Mars Express.
Space Daily: South Korea targets Mars mission with new space centre.
Universe Mag: South Korea will fly to Mars in 2045.

Universe Today: Io Has Been Volcanically Active for its Entire History.

Universe Today: Pluto Has an Ocean of Liquid Water Surrounded by a 40-80 km Ice Shell.

Dinkinesh en Lucy:
NASA: NASA Lucy Images Reveal Asteroid Dinkinesh to be Surprisingly Complex.
NASA (filmpje): Lucy Sees Asteroid Dinkinesh in Detail.
SpaceCom: Asteroid 'Dinky,' visited by NASA's Lucy spacecraft, birthed its own moon.
PhysOrg: Moon orbiting 'Dinky' asteroid is actually two tiny moons stuck together.
Sky & Telescope: NASA’s Lucy mission reveals asteroid’s strange moon.

NASA: NASA’s OSIRIS-APEX Unscathed After Searing Pass of Sun.
SpaceCom: How NASA's OSIRIS-APEX asteroid probe survived its 1st close encounter with the sun.

Planetary Protection:
The Space Review: Why planetary protection matters to the future of space exploration.



Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.


HST – Hubble Space Telescope weer problemen met een gyroscoop.
NASA: NASA’s Hubble Temporarily Pauses Science.


Veel lees- en kijkplezier,

