De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2024/19–699

Deze week waren er vijf lanceringen maar het was de zesde die niet doorging, die (uiteraard) met alle aandacht ging lopen. Want de eerste bemande vlucht gaat nog wat langer op zich laten wachten. Al lag de oorzaak deze keer bij de raket (geen risico’s bij bemande lanceringen) maar er lijkt ook een “kleppenoorlog” uit te breken. SpaceX stelde ook zijn ruimtepak voor te gebruiken bij de de eerste private ruimtewandeling (Polaris Dawn). De Chinese Chang’e 6 draait rond de Maan met een niet aangekondigd maanautootje. En Starlink zou dit jaar 6,6 miljard inkomsten genereren. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.


Bij de foto: SpaceX ontwikkelde een ruimtepak dat ruimtewandelingen vanuit Crew Dragon moet mogelijk maken. Voor het eerst te gebruiken bij de Polaris Dawn private ruimtemissie. Foto: SpaceX.



Een beetje Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws. 


Europese ClearSpace-1 gaat Belgische satelliet PROBA uit de ruimte halen.
ClearSpace: ClearSpace-1 Mission Changes in Response to Space Debris Collision to Go Leaner, Faster and Safer.
ESA: ESA advances Clearspace-1 development.

Space News
: Major changes approved for ClearSpace-1 mission.
Via Satellite: ClearSpace-1 Mission Changes Objective in Response to Space Debris Collision.
European Spaceflight: ESA Selects OHB SE to Take Over ClearSpace-1 Mission Leadership.


Nieuwe algemene directeur voor BIRA.
BIRA: Ann Carine Vandaele is de nieuwe Algemeen Directeur van het BIRA .



De lanceringen van de afgelopen week.  


06.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 6-57 (CCSFS).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites from Florida.

SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 161 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 6 May 2024.


07.05.2024 – SCRUB – Countdown Atlas V / Starliner stilgelegd – CFT nu op 17/18 mei.
NASA CCP: NASA Astronaut Continues Legacy of Discovery, Adventure with Starliner Calypso.
NASA CCP: Weather 95% ‘Go’ for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Atlas V Fueling Underway.
NASA CCP: Watch Live: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Coverage Underway.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Astronauts Suiting Up.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Key Launch Milestones.
NASA CCP: NASA Astronauts Suited Up, Head to Launch Pad.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Arrives at Launch Site, Climbs into Capsule.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Scrubbed .
NASA CCP: NASA, Boeing to Update Media on Starliner Crew Flight Test Tonight.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Targets No Earlier than Friday, May 10.
NASA CCP: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Targets New Launch Date.

Space News
: Starliner mission to be first crewed Atlas 5 flight.
SpaceCom: Boeing's Starliner launch will be the 1st astronaut flight on an Atlas V rocket. How did NASA and ULA get it ready for crews?
Ars Technica: The surprise is not that Boeing lost commercial crew but that it finished at all.
Ars Technica: SpaceX got the fanfare, but Boeing’s first crew flight is still historic.
The Space Review: Boeing’s Starliner, an important milestone for commercial spaceflight.

Space News
: Rocket issue scrubs launch of Starliner crewed test flight.
Spaceflight Now: Starliner launch scrubbed by trouble with a valve in the Atlas 5’s Centaur upper stage.
Space Policy Online: It’s a scrub for Boeing Starliner’s first crewed spaceflight.
Space News: Starliner launch delayed to mid-May.
Spaceflight Now: Atlas 5 valve repair will delay Starliner’s first crewed mission to May 17 at the earliest.

De Standaard
: Eerste bemande vlucht van ruimtecapsule van Boeing uitgesteld vanwege technisch probleem.

: Boeing's Starliner rolled off launch pad to replace 'buzzing' rocket valve.

Collect Space
: Boeing Starliner brings astronaut launches back to Atlas rocket, Cape.
Collect Space: 'Sparkly' narwhal toy trades sea for space as Starliner zero-g indicator.

De Standaard
: Ook in de ruimte zit Boeing in een sukkelstraatje, en Elon Musk draait het mes in de wonde.

En er is blijkbaar een kleppenoorlog uitgebroken.
Daily Galaxy: NASA Contractor Urges Grounding Boeing Spacecraft Over ‘Risk of Disaster’.
Payload: NASA Stuck in the Middle of Starliner Contractors’ Valve Fight.

Boeing: Boeing Starliner Rolled to Pad for CFT Launch.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Prelaunch News Conference.
Boeing: Boeing Starliner Launches NASA Astronauts to the International Space Station (live uitzending).
NASA: NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test Launch Status News Conference (May 6, 2024).

: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Broadcast Begins.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Suit Up in Astronaut Crew Quarters.
NASA: NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test: Walkout from Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building.

: Atlas V ready to launch Starliner.
SciNews: Starliner launch scrub explained.

: What is the future of Starliner? - The Flame Trench.

: Starliner, Explained (Part 1): Everything you need to know about Boeing's spacecraft.
SFN: Starliner, Explained (Part 2): Everything you need to know about Boeing’s Crew Flight Test.


07.05.2024 – De nieuwe LM 6C brengt bij eerste lancering 4 kleine satellieten naar de ruimte.
ECNS: China's newest rocket Long March 6C makes first flight.
ECNS: China's Long March-6C rocket completes maiden flight (foto’s).

Space News
: China launches first Long March 6C rocket.

New Cina TV: Xinhua News | China's Long March-6C rocket makes maiden flight.
CCTV: Neptune-01 Satellite Sent into Space by China’s New Long March-6c Rocket.
SciNews: Long March-6C first launch.


08.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 6-56 (KSC).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launching 23 satellites from Florida today on 1st leg of Starlink doubleheader.
Teslarati: SpaceX launches yet another batch of Starlink satellites.

SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 162 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 8 May 2024.


09.05.2024 – LM 3B/YZ 1 lanceert Smart Skynet-1 .
ECNS: China launches new satellite.
ECNS: China sends Smart Skynet-1 01 satellite into space (foto’s).

Space News
: China launches its first medium Earth orbit broadband satellites.

CCTV: China Launches First Medium-Orbit Broadband Telecommunications Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches Smart SkyNet-1 01 (A/B).


10.05.2024 – SpaceX lanceert Starlink-satellieten – Group 8-2 (VSFB).
SpaceCom: SpaceX launches 20 Starlink satellites from California.
Noozhawk: SpaceX Falcon Rocket Delivers Direct-to-Cell Satellites From Vandenberg SFB.
Teslarati: SpaceX launches more direct to cell capable Starlink satellites.

SpaceX: Lancering live.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 163 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing, 10 May 2024.
Zie ook het filmpje in dit Twitter bericht met spectaculaire van de lancering.



Te verwachten lanceringen.


Ariane VI – Lanceercampagne gaat van start.
ESA: Ariane 6 first flight: timelapse of transfer and assembly on the launch pad (filmpje).
ESA: Ariane 6 stands tall for launch (filmpje).

: Ariane 6 infographic: at a glance.

The Space Review
: Europe looks to end its launcher crisis.

ESA: How does Europe's new rocket work – #shorts.


Dream Chaser klaar voor verhuis naar Florida.
Sierra Space: Sierra Space reinvents space transportation with Dream Chaser.
Space News: Sierra Space prepares to ship Dream Chaser to Florida.



Nog enkele vorige lanceringen.


03.05.2024 – Nieuwe Duitse raket SR75 van HyImpulse met succes vanuit Australië gelanceerd.
Future Spaceflight: German space company Hylmpulse successfully launches first commercially viable launch vehicle.

Check deze twitter-berichten:
HyImpulse: Final Countdown.
HyImpulse: Liftoff.
HyImpulse: Succes!
HyImpulse: Foto lanceringen.
HyImpulse: Raket weer op weg naar Duitsland.

HyImpulse: HyImpulse Light This Candle Launch Announcement.
HyImpulse: Maiden Launch of the HyImpulse Sounding Rocket SR-75 from Australia: "Light This Candle!".





Vernieuwde Vega C (2de trap) naar de teststand.
European Spaceflight: First Redesigned Vega C Second Stage Shipped to Test Site.


Europese raketten – RFA en ISAR.

Everyday Astronaut: How Can European Rockets Compete? // Featuring RFA & ISAR.


Zuid-Korea gaat lanceren vanuit Zweden.
European Spaceflight: Sweden’s Esrange Gets its First Orbital Launch Customer.
Via Satellite: South Korea’s Perigee Aerospace Secures Opportunity for Microlaunch from Sweden.


RocketLab – Neutron eerst in 2025 – En ander nieuws.
Space News: Rocket Lab pushes back Neutron debut to 2025.

: Rocket Lab Completes Archimedes Engine Build, Begins Engine Test Campaign.
Space Daily: Rocket Lab Initiates Archimedes Engine Testing Phase Following Build Completion.

Space Daily
: Rocket Lab Posts Strong First Quarter with Significant Revenue and Growth Projections.

: Rocket Lab Selects Subcontractors to Support SDA Satellite Constellation Development.
Space News: Rocket Lab announces supplier agreements for military satellite project – Transport Layer Tranche 2 Beta.
Space Daily: Redwire to supply antennas for Rocket Lab's SDA Tranche 2 satellites.

In 2026 – STP-S30 – DiskSat.
Space News: Rocket Lab wins $14.4 million contract to launch Space Test Program experiment.

Van alweer een tijdje geleden.
RocketLab: Rocket Lab Unveils Spacecraft Bus Lineup: Photon, Pioneer, Lightning, Explorer.
Space Voyaging: Rocket Lab Unveils New Spacecraft Family.
RocketLab (filmpje): Rocket Lab Spacecraft Family.


Virgin Galactic – Delta Class.
Space News: Virgin Galactic plans higher mothership flight rate with next-generation spaceplanes.
Space Voyaging: Virgin Galactic opens the new Delta Class system integration facility.


KSC en Cape Canaveral.
NSF (filmpje): Unbelievable 50-year Plan at Cape Canaveral! | KSC Flyover.
Zie ook het Starship-hoofdstuk.


De uitbreiding van Wallops.
TechCrunch: NASA is expanding its Wallops Island facility to support three times as many launches.



Bemande ruimtevaart / Ruimtestations.


Polaris Dawn – SpaceX stelt ruimtepak voor.
SpaceX: The Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Suit.

: SpaceX reveals new EVA suit for 1st private spacewalk on upcoming Polaris Dawn spaceflight.
Space Voyaging: SpaceX Unveils Revolutionary Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Suit.
Teslarati: SpaceX reveals its first Extravehicular Activity Suits (EVA) for Polaris Dawn mission.
Ars Technica: Here’s why a rich guy going to space for a second time actually matters.
Polaris Dawn: Crew discusses flight.

SpaceX: The Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Suit.
Everyday Astronaut: How Polaris Dawn Will Do The First Commercial Spacewalk!


Axiom Space – Niet alleen LEO maar ook de Maan.
SpaceCom: Axiom Space eyes the moon while continuing to dream big in Earth orbit.


ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports.
NASA ISS Blog: Return of the GEDI: Space Station Instrument Returns to Forest Monitoring.
NASA ISS Blog: Expedition 71 Prepares to Welcome Boeing’s Starliner Crew.
NASA ISS Blog: Expedition 71 Resumes Science, Maintenance After Starliner Scrub.
NASA ISS Blog: Orbital Maintenance on Wednesday Tops Cargo and Science Duties.
NASA ISS Blog: Astronauts Work on Science Gear, Cosmonauts Take Day Off.
NASA ISS Blog: Space Physics Aboard Station as Starliner Crew Returns to Houston.

Ook deze week geen ISS Daily Summary Report.


ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
TASS: ISS orbit not to be adjusted over solar flares, subsequent geomagnetic storm.

: Redwire Returns First Bioprinted Cardiac Tissue from ISS.
Aviation Week: International Space Station Astronauts To Test Robotic Octopus Arms.

NASA: Space to Ground: Preparing for Guests: May 10, 2024.


Commerciële ruimtestations – Nieuws.
Space Voyaging: Sierra Space Announces The Second Ultimate Burst Pressure For LIFE.

IEEE Spacetrum
: Commercial Space Stations Approach Launch Phase Blue Origin’s Orbital Reef aces milestones while Europe and China aim high.


CSS – Meer nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.

CCTV+:  Payload Specialists Highlight International Cooperation in Space Exploration.



Naar de Maan (en Mars).


Artemis 1 – Nog eens het hitteschild.
Ars Technica: NASA confirms “independent review” of Orion heat shield issue.


Artemis 2.
ESA: Artemis 2 – Electromagnetic testing, the Apollo way.


Artemis – Naar de Maan en Mars.
NASA: NASA’s New Mobile Launcher Stacks Up for Future Artemis Missions.

: NASA Technology Grants to Advance Moon to Mars Space Exploration.
Satellite Pro ME: NASA technology grants to advance Moon to Mars space exploration.
NASA: NASA Selects Commercial Service Studies to Enable Mars Robotic Science.
Space News: NASA awards studies for commercial Mars missions.

: NASA's chief is worried about China getting back to the moon first. Here's why.

: White Sands Propulsion Team Tests 3D-Printed Orion Engine Component.
Universe Today: Lighting Up the Moon’s Permanently Shadowed Craters.


ILRS – China naar de Maan.
TASS: Russian space agency still in talks on launching two Luna-27 mission spacecraft.


Starship – Aftellen naar IFT-4.
SpaceCom: SpaceX fires up Starship rocket for upcoming 5th test flight.
Teslarati: SpaceX conducts a successful static fire of Starship.

Inside Outer Space
: SpaceX Starship-Super Heavy: Florida Launch Site – Environmental Impact Statement Process.
Space News: FAA to begin environmental review of Starship launches from Kennedy Space Center.
SpaceCom: FAA to conduct new environmental review for SpaceX's Starship operations in Florida.

LabPadre: It's Happening! Booster Catch Arm Tested At High Speed! - SpaceX Weekly #113.
NSF: Stage 0 Testing In Full Swing! | SpaceX Starbase Update.
NSF: [SCRUB] SpaceX Static Fires Ship 30 in Preparation for the Fifth Starship Flight.
WAI: SpaceX's Critical Updates! Next Starship is ready! Flight 4 in 3 weeks!
NSF: OLM Tested Ahead of Starship Flight 4 | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NSF: SpaceX Static Fires Ship 30 in Preparation for the Fifth Starship Flight.
NSF: Starship 30 Static Fire Test | SpaceX Boca Chica.
WAI: What's SpaceX's Smart Trick On The Path To Starship Flight 4?
NSF: SpaceX Rolls Out Booster 11 for Fourth Starship Flight Test Campaign.
WAI:  SpaceX Has A Wobble Problem On The Starship Mechazilla?
NSF: SpaceX Rolls Out Ship 29 for Fourth Starship Flight Test Campaign.



Op ontdekking door het zonnestelsel.


Chinese Chang’e 6 in een baan om de Maan. Met een verzwegen maanautootje.
Inside Outer Space: China Moon Sampling Mission: Challenging Milestones Ahead.

Space News
: China’s Chang’e-6 is carrying a surprise rover to the moon.
Space News: Chang’e-6 enters lunar orbit ahead of far side landing attempt.
Times of India: China's secretive Chang'e 6 mission to Moon sparks intrigue and concern.
Inside Outer Space: China Lunar Lander: Now Orbiting the Moon.

: China's Chang'e 6 robotic probe enters lunar orbit.
ECNS: Maneuver puts Chang'e 6 probe in lunar orbit.
ECNS: China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe enters circumlunar orbit after near-moon braking.

AP Pakistan
: Pakistan’s lunar satellite sends initial images from space.

Universe Today
: Here’s Where China’s Sample Return Mission is Headed.

Altijd interessant om te lezen – Moon Monday van Jatan Mehta. Moon Monday #174: Launch of Chang’e 6, the instrumental 7, and claims that are questionable.

CGTN: 'Historic' Chang'e 6 mission expected to lead to new collaboration.
CCTV+: Relay Satellites Ensure Seamless Earth-Moon Communications for Chang'e-6 Mission.
CCTV: Chang'e-6 Enters Lunar Orbit after Near-Moon Braking.
CCTV+: Key Factors in Selecting Chang'e-6 Landing Site Revealed.
CGTN: Expert: Target area of China's Chang'e-6 mission vital to understanding moon evolution.
New China TV: Xinhua News | China delivers Chang'e-6 mission cube satellite data to Pakistan.
CCTV+: China Delivers Data Collected from Pakistan's First Satellite Mission on Chang'e-6 Lunar Probe.

: Chang’e-6 enters lunar orbit.
SciNews: Chang’e-6’s international payloads.


CLPS Nieuws.
NASA (filmpje): Up-Close Look at our VIPER Moon Rover Drill.

New Scientist
(filmpje): Intuitive Machines' Odysseus first images from moon.


Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

SpaceCom: Spacecraft captures absolutely incredible video of plasma swirling on the sun.
ESA: Where space weather starts.

SpaceCom: How 'Earth's twin' Venus lost its water and became a hellish planet.

TerraWatch: The State of Earth Observation Platforms.
Space News: Muon Space and Earth Fire Alliance to build constellation for wildfire detection and response.
Space News: Capella Space using AI to automate ship identification.

SpaceCom: Private lunar lander to carry 'memory disk' of 275 human languages to the moon in 2024 – iSpace/Hakuto-R.
Space News: Lunar lander company ispace sees opportunities in Japan-U.S. Artemis agreement.
Inside Outer Space: Spotlight on Sunlight Shy Cold Traps on the Moon – New Research.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4175-4177: Don’t Blink We’re Taking a Picture.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4178-4179: The Pinnacle Ridge Scarp.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4180-4182: Imaging fest!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 4182-4183: We Reached the South Side of Pinnacle Ridge… What’s Next?
Inside Outer Space: Curiosity Mars Rover: The Big Decision.
Ars Technica: NASA wants a cheaper Mars Sample Return—Boeing proposes most expensive rocket – SLS / MSR.
Aviation Week: Mars Sample Return Option Emerges In '2024 Humans To Mars Summit' – MSR.

NASA (filmpje): Spacecraft Makers: Simulating Space to Test Europa Clipper.

Planeet 9:
Universe Today: New Evidence for Our Solar System’s Ghost: Planet Nine.

Lucy – Dinkinesh:
Universe Today: Dinkinesh's Moonlet is Only 2-3 Million Years Old.

PhysOrg: Exploring the asteroid Apophis with small satellites.
Space News: Aiming for Apophis.
SpaceCom: 'God of Destruction' asteroid Apophis will come to Earth in 2029 — and it could meet some tiny spacecraft.



Meer ruimtevaartnieuws.


TESS – Weer operationeel.
TESS: NASA’s TESS Returns to Science Operations.


Naar verluid zou Starlink dit jaar 6,6 miljard dollar aan inkomsten ophalen.
SpaceX: Starlink soars: SpaceX’s satellite internet surprises analysts with $6.6 billion revenue projection.
Via Satellite: Starlink On Track to Hit $6.6B in Revenue This Year, Quilty Report Estimates.
Ars Technica: Analyst on Starlink’s rapid rise: “Nothing short of mind-blowing”.


Starlink en de recente geomagnetische storm.
Daily Galaxy: Musk’s Starlink Service Affected During Earth’s Largest Geomagnetic Storm in 20 Years.


28.02.2024 – Twee satellieten bij een bijna botsing dichter bij elkaar dan eerst was aangenomen.
Telegraph: Nasa ‘shocked’ by how close Russian spacecraft came to hitting satellite.
SpaceCom: NASA satellite's 'shocking' space junk near-miss was even closer than thought.


Astroscale – ADRAS-J – De inspectie van een oude Japanse H-IIA upper stage / ADRES-J2.
SpaceCom: Private space-junk probe to conduct up-close inspection of spent rocket stage.
SpaceCom: Wow! Private space-junk probe snaps historic photo of discarded rocket in orbit.
Universe Today: This is an Actual Picture of Space Debris.

Space Voyaging
: Astroscale Selected for a New Active Debris Removal Mission.


Space Debris – En hoe het te vermijden.
Het rapport over de “2024 Orbital Debris Remediation Summit”.werd opgesteld door Secure World Foundation en Leo Lab.
Je vindt het hier.

Een ander rapport komt van Slingshot Aerospace: “State of Satellite Deployments & Orbital Operations”.
Je vindt het 2023-rapport hier.

Space News
: Orbital congestion reaching critical levels, warns new report.
Breaking Defense: More satellites, less space: New report highlights risk growth on orbit.
The Space Review: The rising flood of space junk is a risk to us on Earth.
Via Satellite: Slingshot Aerospace Report Highlights Record Insurance Market Losses in 2023.

Space Daily
: Revising satellite reentry design to mitigate orbital debris risks.
Space News: New upper stage disposal rules will help, not harm, U.S. leadership in space.
Space News: Unforgiving Failures: the challenges of upper stages.
Space News: Can companies clean up by cleaning up space?


India en hun “debris-free” politiek.
SpaceCom: India aims to achieve 'debris-free' space missions by 2030.
Space Daily: Australian Government backs Space Machines Company in joint India mission to combat space debris.


Een verloren satelliet na 25 jaar terug gevonden.
Gizmodo: Missing Satellite Found After 25 Years of Being Lost in Space.
SpaceCom: 'Lost' satellite found after orbiting undetected for 25 years.


Rusland – Nucleaire wapens in de ruimte.
Defense One: Russian space nuke could render low-Earth orbit unusable for a year, US official says.
SWF: FAQ: What we know about Russia’s alleged nuclear anti-satellite weapon.


Luxemburgse SES koopt Intelsat.
Zie ook vorige NUDR.
Via Satellite: SES and Intelsat: The Biggest Deal of 2024.


Veel lees- en kijkplezier,

