De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/04–584

Nu JWST met succes in een baan om L2 is gekomen, zal het een tijdje rustig blijven qua nieuws rond de nieuwe telescoop. Het afstellen van de spiegel, het kalibreren vande instrumenten, het is een geduld- en een precisiewerkje. Niet getreurd echter, want er gebeurt meer dan genoeg qua ruimtevaart. Al lijkt het vooral de politiek te zijn die met de aandacht gaat lopen. En dan heb ik het niet alleen over het “white paper” van de Chinese ruimtevaart, maar de opkomst zijnde update voor de Europese ruimtevaart en de spanningen tussen de VS en de Sovjetunie. Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.

Bij de foto: Een foto die eerder past bij het nieuws uit NUDR 583. De foto toont twee Russische ruimtewandelaars aan het werk aan de nieuwe Prichal-module die vorig jaar gekoppeld werd aan de eerder gelanceerde Nauka, eveneens opvallend in beeld. Shkaplerov bevindt zich op de foto onderaan de module, Dubrov bovenaan. Foto: NASA.

JWST – In een baan om L2.
NASA JWST Blog: Orbital Insertion Burn a Success, Webb Arrives at L2.
NASA JWST Blog: The Webb Team Looks Back on Successful Deployments.

Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman Celebrates Webb Telescope’s Arrival at Lagrange Point 2.

Space News: JWST arrives at final orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Webb arrives in orbit of L2, teams look ahead to five months of commissioning.
Spaceflight Now: Webb reaches orbital destination a million miles from Earth.

Zenit: Webb-ruimtetelescoop op zijn bestemming aangekomen.

VRTNWS: Eerste "doelwit" van James Webb-telescoop wordt ster in sterrenbeeld Grote Beer

ESA: Join Webb Quest: Mind-blowing mission to the early Universe.

NASA: Media Briefing: What’s Next for the James Webb Space Telescope.
NASA: NASA Science Live: What’s Next for the James Webb Space Telescope?
CSA: The FGS, Canada’s stellar navigator on the James Webb Space Telescope.
JWST: Elements of Webb: Elements Seeking Elements, Ep12.

Volkssterrenwacht Urania: RB41 – JWST – Update 3.

En wat na JWST?
The Bendu Order: NASA's JAMES WEBB & HUBBLE Replacement Changes Everything! - Roman Space Telescope.

Chinese LM-4C lanceert een duo van radarsatellieten.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches L-SAR 01A as new methane rocket nears first launch from Jiuquan.

New China TV: GLOBALink | China launches L-SAR 01A satellite for land observing.

SpaceX – Lancering Italiaanse aardobservatiesatelliet COSMO-SkyMed uitgesteld. Tot driemaal toe.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX ready to launch Italian radar remote sensing satellite.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX gives converted Falcon Heavy side booster new life.
USA Today: SpaceX targeting second booster landing at Cape Canaveral, but weather downgraded.
Wat dus ook voor een dagje uitstel zorgde. En dan nog een dagje. En dan nog een dagje.
Florida Today: SpaceX scrubs Cape Canaveral launch and landing a second time, citing weather.
Florida Today: SpaceX delays Cape Canaveral launch and landing a third time due to weather

NasaSpaceFlight: Falcon 9 launch with Italian CSG-2 Earth observation satellite targeted for Friday.

ESA: COSMO Skymed Series.
ESA: COSMO Skymed Second Generation.

Spaceflight Now: SpaceX test fires Falcon 9 rocket at Cape Canaveral.
Spaceflight Now: Scrub: SpaceX launch of Italian radar imaging satellite.
SciNews: Falcon 9 aborted launch with CSG-2.

In afwachting van lancering, een “static fire” voor Astra.
Spaceflight Now: Astra fires up rocket for first time at Cape Canaveral.
Space Explored: Astra static fires its first Florida rocket ahead of launch.

Beelden vind je hier.

Meer detail over ElaNa 41 vind je hier bij NASA.

Tweede trap raket ABL Space Systems ontploft bij test.
Reeds vermeld in vorige NUDR.
Space News: ABL Space Systems test accident to delay first launch by three months.
Scott Manley (filmpje): Fiery Test Failure Delays Rocket Builder's Debut Launch. What Do We Know about ABL Space?

Meer over Raidan Aerospace en hun ruimtevliegtuig.
Reeds vermeld in vorige NUDR.
SpaceCom: Radian Aerospace raises $27.5 million for new orbital space plane.
UPI: New tech spurs spaceplane vision: halfway around world in 40 minutes.

SpaceX krijgt AFRL Rocket Cargo contract.
GovConWire: SpaceX Awarded $102M AFRL Rocket Cargo Contract.
Tesmanian: U.S. Air Force Awards SpaceX A $102 Million Contract To Demonstrate Technologies To Transport Cargo For ‘Humanitarian Aid & Disaster Relief’.

Eerste Vulcan vlucht lanceert naast maanlander een eerbetoon aan Star Trek.
Space News: The Celestis mission will be named the Enterprise Flight.
SpaceCom: The first Vulcan rocket will launch ashes of Star Trek actors, fans and more into space.

NASA kiest 12 firma’s voor Venture Class Launch Services (VCLS/VADR).
NASA: 12 Companies to Provide Venture Class Launch Services for NASA.
Space News: NASA selects a dozen companies for smallsat launch services.
GeekWire: NASA puts Blue Origin and Spaceflight on a new list for commercial launch contracts.
Virgin Orbit: NASA selects Virgin Orbit to provide future launch services through VADR contract.
Spaceflight: Spaceflight inc. Selected by NASA to support future dedicated and rideshare missions.

Dit jaar mogen we enkele Falcon Heavy lanceringen verwachten.
Tesmanian: SpaceX's Powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket Will Conduct Multiple Missions In 2022 After Being Dormant For Over 2 Years.

Raketnieuws uit China.
Space News: China’s Landspace appears to be preparing to launch its new methane-fueled rocket.

Pandaily: Chinese Commercial Rocket Firm Galactic Energy Completes Financing of 1.27 Billion Yuan.

Parabolic Arc: Deep Blue Aerospace Raises Nearly $31.5 Million for Partially Reusable Launch Vehicle.

South China Morning Post: Chinese researchers claim success in new rocket engine flight test.

Eerste lancering Japanse H3 uitgesteld.
JAXA: About the launch of the first H3 rocket tester.
Space News: Japan’s H3 rocket further delayed by engine woes.

Satelliet Oman te lanceren door Virgin Orbit vanuit het Britse Cornwall in 2022.
Virgin Orbit: The Sultanate of Oman and Virgin Orbit announce international consortium on country’s first mission to deep space.
Via Satellite: UK Transport Minister Trudy Harrison Wants First Launches from Cornwall This Summer.

Space News: Regulators uncertain on schedule for first U.K. launch

Een Falcon 9 Upper Stage gaat begin maart botsen met de Maan.
Ars Technica: After 7 years, a spent Falcon 9 rocket stage is on course to hit the Moon.
BBC: Elon Musk SpaceX rocket on collision course with moon.
Republic World: SpaceX's Rocket Debris Might Hit The Moon; India's Chandrayaan Orbiter Possibly At Risk.
PhysOrg: Crashing rocket will create new moon crater: What we should worry about.

VRT NWS: Space X-raket op ramkoers met de maan: zegen voor de wetenschap of bewijs dat ruimteafval steeds groter probleem wordt?
Spacepage: SpaceX rakettrap gaat inslaan op de maan.

BIRA: "Dit is niet grappig": BIRA- wetenschappers opinies over de naderende SpaceX-Maan botsing.

Belangrijke bijeenkomst voor Europese ruimtevaart in februari.
ESA: ESA Director General's Annual Press Conference.

ESA: Summit to ignite Europe’s bold space ambitions
Space News: ESA looks to space summit to endorse human spaceflight efforts.

Spacewatch: ESA wants to accelerate Europe’s acces to space.
Spacewatch: Tourlouse summit to boost Europe’s space ambitions.

EUSPA: EUSPA to further boost space investments with CASSINI.
PhysOrg: EU launches 'game changer' space startup fund.

Space News: Europe ready to unveil sovereign broadband constellation plan.

Chinese ruimtevaartplannen beschreven in een “white paper”.
Space News: China presents space plans and priorities in new white paper.
The Verge: China unveils five-year plan for space exploration that continues push into lunar space.
Souoth China Morning Post: To the moon and back: China sets new targets in race to be No 1 space power.

Het officiële document:
State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China: Full Text: China's Space Program: A 2021 Perspective.

ECNS: China releases white paper on space program.
ECNS: China to explore more in space science next five years: white paper.
ECNS: China welcomes int'l cooperation in space station, explorations: white paper.
ECNS: China to improve space debris monitoring: white paper.
ECNS: China to explore lunar polar regions, mulling human landing: white paper.
ECNS: China to explore lunar polar regions, mulling human landing: white paper.
ECNS: China to explore lunar polar regions, mulling human landing: white paper.

Space Policy Online: House China Competitiveness Bill has little to say about space.

The Diplomat: The China-US Space Race Is a Myth.
Space News: Op-ed | Space race with China is not just a military competition.

SciNews: CNSA’s plan for the next five years of space exploration.

Bingo voor Isar Aerospace. Vega C maakt zich klaar voor lancering. Maia nieuwe Europese raket.
Space News: Isar Aerospace wins 10 million euro European Commission launch competition.

NasaSpaceFlight: Vega-C stages in launch preparation as Avio, Arianespace progress toward rocket’s debut.

Spacewatch: Arianegroup presents launcher family with reusable mini rocket.

Toerisme – Moet er weldra tax betaald worden op Virgin Galactic tickets?
Las Cruces Sun News: 'With tax, that will be $481,000.' State lawmakers propose taxing Virgin Galactic tickets.

ISS – Cargo Drgon CRS-24 keert terug naar de Aarde.
NASA: Scientific Hardware, Experiments Return to Earth on SpaceX CRS-24 Dragon.
ISS National Lab: SpaceX CRS-24 Splashes Down Safely After One Month on the ISS, Returns Science to Researchers on Earth.

Spaceflight Now: Cargo Dragon capsule departs space station.
Teslarati: SpaceX Dragon departs International Space Station to return to Earth.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Dragon Splashes Down Off Florida's Coast, Ending The 24th Space Station Resupply Mission.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Dragon splashes down off Florida coast with nearly 5,000 pounds of science on board.

NASA: Expedition 66 SpaceX Dragon CRS-24 Cargo Ship Departs International Space Station - Jan. 21, 2022.
SciNews: SpaceX CRS-24 Dragon undocking and departure.

ISS – Axiom 1.
Spacewatch: Israeli astronaut to carry out 35 experiments on ISS.

ISS – Tom Cruise, filmplannen en dito studio.
Screen Rant: Tom Cruise Outer Space Movie Story & Filming Details Revealed.
CinemaBlend: Remember Tom Cruise's Space Movie? We Finally Have Some New Details.

NASA (filmpje): A Conversation Between Tom Cruise and Victor Glover About the Body in Space.

ISS – Spanningen tussen Rusland en Amerika.
The Space Review: Space policy, geopolitics, and the ISS.
CNN Business: Tensions with Russia worry former US astronauts about the partnership in space.
NASA Watch: What Will A Ukraine War Do To The ISS Program?

SpaceCom: Russian cosmonaut secures U.S. visa after initial denial.

ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Departure Waits One More Day Due to Adverse Weather.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA TV is Live as SpaceX Cargo Dragon Prepares for Departure.
NASA ISS Blog: SpaceX Cargo Dragon Undocks from Station for Monday Splashdown.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Returning to Earth Today; Crew Studies Agriculture, Physics.
NASA ISS Blog: Cargo Dragon Splashes Down Ending SpaceX CRS-24 Mission.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Hearing Checks, Lab Cleanup after Dragon Splashes Down.
NASA ISS Blog: Station Agriculture Teaching How to Sustain Space Crews.
NASA ISS Blog: Plants, Bioprinting and Orbital Plumbing Fill Crew’s Thursday Schedule.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Works Spine Scans, Heart and Breathing Checks on Friday.

Grappig. Bij NASA blijft men halstarrig vasthouden aan 2021. Hieronder zijn de datums aangepast.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/21/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/24/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/25/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/26/2022.

Deze week geen "Space Station Science Highlights".

ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Space News: Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s space station computer is in demand.

ESA: Close encounters of a ROBert kind.

Science Daily: What wintering squirrels can teach astronauts.

NASA: Space to Ground: Next Day Delivery: 01/28/20.
NASA: Expedition 66 Astronaut Matthias Maurer Talks with European Commission President - Jan. 24, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 66 Space Station Astronauts Answer California Student Questions - Jan. 24, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 66 Astronaut Matthias Maurer Talks with Saarland University, Germany - Jan. 26, 2022.
ESA: Astronaut hearing test | Cosmic Kiss.
ESA: Hello and goodbye in 360° | Cosmic Kiss.
Science At NASA: NASA ScienceCasts: Teeming Life on the ISS.

CSS – Nieuws uit het Chinese ruimtestation.
Een filmpje:
CGTN: Space Log: Taikonauts practice calligraphy to welcome Chinese New Year.

ARTEMIS – Artemis I in maart. 
NASA Artemis Blog: Artemis I Countdown Test Complete.

Space Explored: NASA teams finish SLS countdown test, moving closer to rocket rollout.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 lunar mission finishes countdown test.

ARTEMIS – Gateway.
PhysOrg: NASA's HERMES mission passes key milestone, moves toward launch.

ARTEMIS - Meer nieuws.
Ars Technica: Another launch tower built for the SLS rocket has “encountered some challenges”.

Space News: Israel to sign Artemis Accords: foreign minister.

Spaceflight Now: NASA to name astronauts this year for first Artemis moon mission.

ESA: 2021/2022 Overview of the Artemis and the European Service Modules.

China en Rusland werken samen aan maanstation.
TASS: Russia, China set to sign lunar station deal soon — envoy.
UPI: China, Russia to start building lunar research station by 2026.

Business AM: De nieuwe ruimterace: China en Rusland willen samen de maan verkennen met een bemande basis.

SpaceX – Starship – Het werk gaat verder.
NasaSpaceFlight: Raptor 2 testing at full throttle on the SpaceX McGregor test stands.
Tesmanian: SpaceX’s Starship Will Be Capable Of Capturing Satellites To Be Repaired In Orbit Or Returned To Earth.
Tesmanian: SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Donates An Additional $2 Million To Brownsville Independent School District.
Teslarati: SpaceX reveals Starship “marine recovery” plans in new job postings.

NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 20 Positioned Near the Orbital Launch Site | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Weird Tank Spotted at the Production Site | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: New Booster Forward Dome Sleeved | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Crews Work on the Starship Quick Disconnect Arm | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starbase Orbital Launch Mount Venting | SpaceX Boca Chica.

Primal Space: How SpaceX Will Test 29 Raptor Engines.
What About It: SpaceX reveals plans for a second Starbase! What's needed to build 1000 Starships?
TMRO: SpaceX's Raptor 2 is Revealed! | TMRO:News.

Oorzaak probleem zonnepaneel van Lucy gevonden.
Space News: Cause of Lucy solar array deployment problem identified.
SpaceCom: NASA's Lucy asteroid spacecraft still has a wonky solar array as it flies through space.

Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

Space News: NOAA seeks continuity of space weather observations.

ESA: The beauty of the Sun seen from space.
ESA (met filmpje): STEREO-A watches Comet Leonard.
ESA: Solar Orbiter catches a second comet by the tail.

Inverse: Rocket Lab Venus Mission launch date and plans for the ambitious exploration.
Universe Today: A Private Mission to Scan the Cloud Tops of Venus for Evidence of Life.
NASA: Podcast Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 76, DAVINCI.

Via Satellite: Satellite Operators Restore Critical Communications to Tonga After Volcanic Eruption.
Parabolic Arc: Capella Space Awarded Commercial Radar Contract By National Reconnaissance Office.
Canadian Space Agency: Open data for climate action and more: Over 674 000 RADARSAT-1 images of Earth now available.
NPR: Satellite images show the aftermath of Tonga volcano's eruption.
Space News: NASA to continue buying Earth-observation datasets.
Space News: NOAA to move new weather satellite quickly into position.

SpaceCom: Japanese company ispace delays its second private moon mission to 2024.
Astronomy: The Moon’s farside has sticky soil, Yutu-2 finds.

Mars Curiosity Status Update: Sols 3367-3368: The Prow To Take Another Bow.
Mars Curiosity Status Update: Sols 3369-3370: Ok Then… Maybe Not, Mars.
NASA Perseverance Status Update: Out of Pebble Purgatory.
SpaceCom: Perseverance rover does the 'twist' on Mars to shake loose stuck rocks.
NASA: NASA's MRO Finds Water Flowed on Mars Longer Than Previously Thought.
The Science Times: Water On South Pole Of Mars Is Just A Dirty Mirage, Study Says.

SpaceCom: Saturn's 'Death Star' moon could have a secret underground ocean.

RoomEU: Solar sail mission will intercept and study small asteroid.

Planetoide Psyche
The Science Times: NASA Psyche Spacecraft: Will It Check the Huge Crater on a Giant Asteroid?

Mag fusie Aerojet Rocketdyne en Lockheed Martin niet doorgaan?
Aerojet Rocketdyne: Aerojet Rocketdyne holdings, Inc announces update on proposed merger transaction with Lockheed Martin.
Space News: Federal Trade Commission blocks Lockheed Martin’s acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne.
Geek Wire: Lockheed Martin’s acquisition of Aerojet Rocketdyne faces limbo after FTC files suit.

Nieuws van allerlei satellietconstellaties.
CGTN: China's GalaxySpace delivers 6 broadband communication satellites.

Space News: GEO satellite operators seek multi-orbit strategies.

Breaking Defense: Megaconstellations may prove a wildcard for Pentagon space planners [Video].
Breaking Defense: Hydrosat plans LEO sats to map literal hot spots for military, commercial users.

Space News: OneWeb forges Indian distribution partnership.
Florida Today: OneWeb Satellites cranking out two satellites per day at Kennedy Space Center factory.

Satellite Servicing: Orbit Fab – Northrop Grumman – China.
Space News: Phase Four and Orbit Fab to work on Maxwell engine refueling.
Parabolic Arc: Phase Four and OrbitFab to Collaborate on in-Orbit Refueling.

NASA: NASA Satellite Servicing Technologies Licensed by Northrop Grumman.

Space News: China’s Shijian-21 towed dead satellite to a high graveyard orbit.
Breaking Defense: China’s SJ-21 ‘tugs’ dead satellite out of GEO belt: Trackers.

Astroscale breekt debris-removal demonstratie af.
Space News: Astroscale pauses debris-removal demo following anomaly.
SpaceCom: Spacecraft anomaly stalls Astroscale space debris cleanup test.

Satellite Tracking. Deep Space Network. Traffic Management.
Space News: Space Force’s troubled space-tracking system is officially shut down.

Space News: Microsoft helps JPL with Deep Space Network scheduling.
Geek Wire: NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab uses Microsoft’s Azure Quantum to ease Deep Space Network’s traffic jam.

Forbes: Why Is NOAA Not Taking Space Traffic Management Seriously?

3D Printing.
Space News: Reaching the tipping point for 3D printing satellites.

Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Een experiment van een Belgische middelbare school mag mee met de eerste Ariane VI lancering.
KanaalZ: Leerlingen middelbare school werken aan ruimtevaartproject (met video).

Er zijn ook heel wat Europese scholen die met Belgische hardware (de ICECubes van Space Applications Services) naar het ISS mogen (Orbit Your Thesis).
ESA: Student experiment “Artery in Microgravity” passes the ICECubes Interface Test. Next stop, ISS.

Belangrijk voor o.a. de Altius-missie.
QinetiQ: Complete qualification achieved for solar array deployment mechanism on P200 satellite platform.

In Wallonië gaan ze satellietdata gebruiken voor het in kaart brengen van verlaten (industriële) sites e.d.
Belgian Earth Observation: SARSAR: Sentinel data for urban planning and land management.

Ik weet niet of dit Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws is …
EUSPA: President of the European Council, Charles Michel, visits EUSPA Prague Headquarters.

Om af te ronden – A Day of Remembrance.
27.01.1967 – Apollo 1
28.01.1986 – Challenger
01.02.2003 – Columbia

Het einde van januari zal altijd een periode zijn om te denken aan deze drie drama’s in de bemande ruimtevaart, maar ook aan al die anderen die het leven gelaten hebben in onze drang de ruimte te veroveren.

NASA (video): NASA Pays Tribute to Fallen Heroes with Day of Remembrance.
NASA (video): NASA Remembers Fallen Heroes.
NASA (video): Day of Remembrance 2022 | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

Popular Mechanics: The Oral History of the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.
Collect Space: Challenger artifacts intended for Reagan recovered after 36 years.
SpaceCom: 55 years after Apollo 1 fire, NASA's lessons live on as Orion aims for the moon.

Periscope Film (video): Loss of Space Shuttle Challenger Januari 28, 1986 – 70mm Camera Footage XD30054.
Periscope Film (video): Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Januari 28, 1986 – Raw footage (silent) XD10134.

En op Wikipedia vind je een lijst van alle ruimtevaart gerelateerde accidenten en incidenten.

Veel lees- en kijkplezier,

