De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2022/03–583

Deze week is het een allegaartje aan nieuwsberichten. Uiteraard zijn er lanceringen. En veel ander raketnieuws. Updates over Starliner, Axiom en andere vluchten naar het ISS. Dat mogelijk wordt uitgebreid met een filmstudio. O ja, er was ook een Russische ruimtewandeling. En er lijkt zo toch een klein beetje hommeles te zijn, iets met visa’s en dergelijke. SLS en Orion worden half februari naar buiten gereden, met een lancering ergens tegen eind maart. Wie weet rond die tijd ook een lancering van Super Heavy met Starship? En Mars, daar gebeurt ook van alles. Verder nog ASAT gevolgen, de NATO ruimtevaartpolitiek en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week.

Bij de foto: De voorbije dagen werd een eerste Ariane VI afgeleverd in het CSG (Kourou). Op de foto zien we Vulcan, de motor van de Upper Stage. Foto: ESA-CNES-Arianespace/Optique video du CSG - P Baudon.

Eerste Chinese lancering van 2022 – LM 2D brengt nieuwe militaire satelliet in baan om Aarde.
Panda Daily: China Carries Out 2022’s First Successful Satellite Launch.
ECNS: China conducts its first rocket launch of 2022 (foto’s).

Space News: China’s first launch of 2022 puts classified Shiyan-13 satellite into orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: China launches Long March 2D with Shiyan-13 to start busy year.
Spaceflight Now: First Chinese space mission of 2022 rockets into orbit.

SciNews: Long March-2D launches Shiyan-13.
Point Of View: BOOM! China blasts 1st orbital launch of 2022 atop Long March 2D.

SpaceX lanceert nieuwe reeks Starlinks. Al meer dan 2.000 stuks gelanceerd.
Teslarati: SpaceX readies 4th Falcon 9 booster for 10th launch and landing [webcast].

Space News: SpaceX passes 2,000 Starlink satellites launched.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX stays busy with Starlink Group 4-6 launch.
Teslarati: SpaceX Falcon 9 booster becomes fourth to launch and land ten times.

SpaceX: Starlink Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX Starlink 35 launch & Falcon 9 first stage landing, 19 January 2022.

Atlas V lanceert een paar satelliet-inspectie-satellieten voor de Space Force.
ULA: United Launch Alliance to Launch USSF-8 Mission in Support of National Security.
ULA: United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Critical Space Surveillance Mission for U.S. Space Force.

Spaceflight Now: ULA’s first launch of 2022 to debut unflown variant of Atlas 5 rocket.
NasaSpaceFlight: ULA’s Atlas V launches satellite-inspection mission for Space Force.
Space News: ULA launches two space surveillance satellites for U.S. Space Force.

Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman-Built Space Sensor Satellites Launch in Support of US Space Force-8 Mission.

ULA: Atlas V USSF-8 Mission Profile.
ULA: Tory Talk // Atlas V USSF-8: 511, Big Slider.
ULA: Jan. 21 Live Broadcast: Atlas V USSF-8.
ULA: Atlas V USSF-8 Liftoff.
SciNews: Atlas V launches GSSAP-5 and GSSAP-6.

Stratolaunch voert derde testvlucht uit.
Stratolaunch: Stratolaunch Roc Carrier Aircraft Completes Third Flight Test (PDF).
Space News: Stratolaunch plane flies again as company prepares for hypersonic tests.

Tweede trap raket ABL Space Systems ontploft bij test.
Space News: ABL Space Systems rocket stage destroyed in test accident.
Space Explored: ABL Space Systems’ rocket second stage destroyed in ‘test anomaly,’ everyone is safe.

Kwalificatietest voor Indische Vikas-motor (Gaganyaan).
Parabolic Arc: Qualification Testing of Vikas Engine for Gaganyaan Human Spaceflight Program.

Ondertussen in Noord-Korea.
TASS: Japan expresses protest to North Korea over missile launch.
De Standaard: De ‘hypersonische raket’: de nieuwste toevoeging aan het Noord-Koreaans wapenarsenaal.

Politico: North Korea fires 2 suspected missiles in 4th launch this year.
BBC: North Korea fires missiles again amid unusual flurry of tests.

Laatste Proton-raket rolt dit jaar van de band. Wordt vervangen door Angara.
Roscosmos: Khrunichev Center to end Proton rockets production in 2022.
Spacepage: Rusland stopt met de productie van Proton raketten.

TASS: Russia to launch at least two light Angara rockets in 2022 — Roscosmos chief.

Ariane VI Core Stage arriveert op het CSG.
ESA: Ariane 6 central core reaches Europe’s Spaceport.
ESA: Ariane 6 upper stage readies for tests at Europe's Spaceport.

Contracten voor Vega C.
Arianespace: Arianespace to launch Microcarb on Vega C.
Space Daily: Avio announces new launch service contracts for Vega C.

China maakt zich klaar voor tweede lancering Lange Mars 8 (LM-8).
NewsCN: China's new generation carrier rocket Long March-8 ready for launch.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Long March-8: Second Flight Slated.

CGTN (filmpje): China's new generation carrier rocket Long March-8 ready for launch.

Opnieuw uitstel voor Japanse H3-raket?
Japan Times: Japan likely to further delay launch of new flagship H3 rocket.

Radian – Is er een SSTO ruimtevliegtuig op komst?
Ars Technica: Radian announces plans to build one of the holy grails of spaceflight.
Geek Wire: Radian Aerospace comes out of stealth and raises $27.5M for orbital space plane development.
Space News: Radian Aerospace raises seed round to fund work on spaceplane.

ESA – Eerste ronde astronaut-selectie afgerond. Nog 1391 kandidaten blijven over.
ESA: Astronaut selection: stage one complete.
VRTNWS: Eerste fase astronautenselectie door ESA is afgesloten: 1.391 kandidaten blijven over, 4 op de 10 is een vrouw.

JWST – Alles loopt nog volgens plan.
NASA JWST Blog: Webb Mirror Segment Deployments Complete.
NASA JWST Blog: Webb’s Journey to L2 Is Nearly Complete.
NASA: NASA to Discuss Webb’s Arrival at Final Destination, Next Steps.

Spaceflight Now: Webb closes in on destination with critical mirror alignment on tap.

The Washington Post: What is a Lagrange point, the final destination for the James Webb Space Telescope?

JWST: Elements of Webb: Super Black, Ep11.
ESA kijkt terug op de lancering van JWST.
Arianespace: Arianespace Flight VA256 / Behind the Scenes.
SciShow Space: Why It Took a Decade to Launch Webb | Compilation.

Commercial Crew – Starliner Service Module voor OFT-2 wordt vervangen. Lancering in mei?
NASA KSC Blog: NASA, Boeing Prepare to Replace Starliner Service Modules Ahead of Upcoming Orbital Flight Test-2

ISS – Russiche ruimtewandelaars werken aan Nauka en Prichal.
Roscosmos: Anton Shkaplerov and Pyotr Dubrov prepare for spacewalk.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts install Kurs system hardware on ISS’ Prichal module.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts install docking target on ISS’ Prichal module.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts complete first spacewalk in 2022.

NasaSpaceFlight: Cosmonauts complete Russian spacewalk to integrate new ISS module.
SpaceCom: Cosmonauts on spacewalk ready new Russian docking port for future space station arrivals.
Spaceflight Now: Spacewalking cosmonauts activate space station’s newest Russian module.

NASA: Animatie Russische EVA.
Video From Space: See cosmonauts spacewalk outside Space Station's Nauka module.
Beelden van de ganse ruimtewandeling vind je hier bij Roscosmos.

ISS – Update voor Axiom 1 en Crew 4.
Lancering Axiom 1 ten vroegste op 31.03.2022.
Lancering Crew 4 ten vroegste op 15.04.2022.

Teslarati: NASA updates status of SpaceX’s next two astronaut launches.
Tesmanian: A Thrice-Flown SpaceX Falcon 9 Is Approved To Launch NASA Astronauts To The Space Station For The First Time.
Tesmanian: NASA Sets New Target Date For SpaceX Axiom AX-1 Mission, The First All-Private Astronaut Visit To The Space Station.
SpaceCom: Axiom's 1st private crew launch to space station delayed to March.

NASA KSC: Commercial Crew Program: Embracing the Next Challenge.

ISS – SEE-1, filmstudio voor Tom Cruise te koppelen aan Axiom-uitbreiding van het ruimtestation.
The Guardian: Film studio in space planned for 2024.
IGN: Film Studio To Be Built in Space by 2024.
The Verge: UK company behind Tom Cruise space film unveils plans to launch space movie studio.
National Post: This company is planning to launch a film studio in space — but it's not the first time.

ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights, alsook het Russische “Report on the Russian Crew”.
NASA ISS Blog: Crew Gets Ready for Spacewalk and Dragon Departure This Week.
NASA ISS Blog: NASA TV is Live as Two Cosmonauts Prep for Station Spacewalk.
NASA ISS Blog: Russian Spacewalkers Exit Station to Service Russian Modules.
NASA ISS Blog: Cosmonauts Wrap Up Spacewalk after Russian Module Work.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Departure Delayed as Cosmonauts Cleanup after Spacewalk.
NASA ISS Blog: Dragon Go for Saturday Departure; Post-Spacewalk Cleanup Continues.

NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/14/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/17/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/18/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/19/2022.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/20/2022.

Space Station Science Highlights: Week of January 17, 2022.

Geen rapporten van Roscosmos.

ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
Russia Today: NASA warns that Russia module may be isolated from rest of space station.

TASS: Roscosmos CEO to inquire NASA about US refusal to issue visa to Russian cosmonaut.
TASS: Roscosmos chief hopes not granting US visa to cosmonaut Chub a mistake that can be fixed.

Space News: Bigelow Aerospace transfers BEAM space station module to NASA (en meer info over SEE-1).

Times Of India: Russia's only female cosmonaut to travel to space in September.
Roscosmos: ISS Crews for 2022-2024 confirmed.

ESA: Data-relay system connects astronauts direct to Europe.
ESA: Space Station communications infographic.
Airbus: The International Space Station connected via the SpaceDataHighway.

Tesmanian: NASA Astronauts Begin Packing SpaceX Dragon To Send Cargo To Earth.

ISS National Lab: 2021 International Space Station National Laboratory Annual Report Now Available.
Je kan het rapport hier downloaden (PDF) of online bekijken.

ESA: Wanted: recycling methods to keep astronauts alive.
The Sun: Nasa wants to turn POO and even astronaut breath into ‘space gold’ with genius waste system.

VRTNWS: Waarom astronauten bloedarmoede hebben als ze terugkomen uit de ruimte.

NPR: Archaeologists launch first-ever 'dig' into life on the International Space Station.
Collect Space: Astronauts turn archeologists to document space station 'dig sites'.

En nog dit:
The Byte: Astronaut says first gorilla suit he tried to smuggle into space blew up in fiery explosion.

NASA: Space to Ground: Outfitting Prichal: 01/21/2022.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - Jan. 21, 2022.
ESA: Fitness in 360° | Cosmic Kiss.
NASA: Expedition 66 Astronaut Mark Vande Hei Talks with CBS and ABC News - Jan. 18, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 66 Astronaut Matthias Maurer Talks Life in Space for World Economic Forum -Jan. 20, 2022.
NASA: Expedition 66 Astronaut Raja Chari Talks with Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Iowa - Jan. 20, 2022.
NASA: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-4 Astronaut Jessica Watkins Talks with NBC News - Jan. 21, 2022.

ARTEMIS – Artemis I in maart. Artemis III en maanlanding in 2025.
NasaSpaceFlight: EGS, Jacobs working to finish testing in time for Artemis 1 rollout in mid-February.

The Science Times: New NASA Rocket Fixed; SLS Designed to Take Astronauts to the Moon.
BBC: SLS: Nasa fixes glitchy megarocket equipment ahead of key test.
SpaceCom: NASA's Artemis 1 moon mission readies for 'wet dress rehearsal'.

Space Policy Online: Artemis I launch targeted for late march, first return to the moon in 2025.

Space News: NASA foresees gap in lunar landings after Artemis 3.

NASA: NASA Conducts 1st RS-25 Engine Test of Year at Stennis Space Center.
Beelden van de test vind je hier.

ARTEMIS – Gateway.
Arizona Daily Star: Paragon snares $100M lunar space station deal.

Naar de Maan – Veiligheid rond onze naaste buur.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Cis-lunar space and the security dilemma
Defense One: Will Space Force Protect Orbiting Gas Stations and Bases on the Moon?
Air Force Mag: Space Force Foresees Need for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness Within Decade

NATO en zijn ruimtevaartpolitiek.
NATO: Brussels Summit Communiqué.
NATO: NATO’s approach to space.
NATO: NATO’s overarching Space Policy.

Breaking Defense: New NATO space policy focuses on space support, domain awareness.
Axios: NATO reveals how it will operate in outer space.

BusinessAM: NAVO bereidt niet enkel oorlog op aarde voor.

SpaceX – Starship – Het werk gaat verder.
Teslarati: SpaceX fully installs Super Heavy booster’s ‘aerocovers’.
Tesmanian: Elon Musk Shares A Video That Shows How The SpaceX Starship Launch Tower Will 'Catch' The Gigantic Super Heavy Rocket.
Teslarati: SpaceX rocket catch simulation raises more questions about concept.

NasaSpaceFlight: Booster 7's Methane Tank Begins Stacking | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Ship 20 Prepared for Lifting | SpaceX Boca Chica.
Lab Padre: SpaceX Orbital Tower Initial Load Test.
NasaSpaceFlight: GSE-4 Tank Fails During Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Cargo Door Prototype Spotted With Smooth Nosecone | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Oilfield Workers Spotted in Starbase | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship S20 Removed from Suborbital Pad B | SpaceX Boca Chica.

What About It: SpaceX finally revealed its Starship & Super Heavy landing trick!
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship Landing Trick Raises More Questions | Rocket Lab CEO Explains Flaw In Elon Musk Plan.

Mars – Ontdekte Curiosity mogelijk sporen van leven?
NASA: NASA's Curiosity Rover Measures Intriguing Carbon Signature on Mars.
AstroBlogs: Nog veel onduidelijkheid over de koolstofmonsters die Curiosity in de Gale krater heeft genomen.
Inside Outer Space: Curiosity at Mars: New Research – Biologically Produced Methane?
SpaceCom: Possible sign of Mars life? Curiosity rover finds 'tantalizing' Red Planet organics.
The Register: NASA's Curiosity finds signs of ancient life on Mars. Or maybe not. More data needed.
De Morgen: Marsrobot Curiosity doet ‘prikkelend interessante’ ontdekking die kan wijzen op buitenaards leven.

Mars – Perseverance en het probleem met de kiezeltjes.
SpaceCom: The Mars rover Perseverance has pebbles stuck in its drill. NASA has a plan to fix it.
NASA Mars Perseverance: Ejecting Mars' Pebbles.

Mars – InSight wordt wakker na stofstorm.
SpaceCom: NASA's InSight Mars lander awakens from 'safe mode' after Red Planet dust storm.

Mars – ESA telt af naar ExoMars lancering in september.
ESA: Steady driving towards ExoMars launch.
Roscosmos: Steady driving towards ExoMars 2022 launch.
GovUK: Rosalind Franklin Mars rover passes latest tests ahead of September launch.
Spacepage: ExoMars-rover ondergaat laatste tests.
Space News: ExoMars on schedule for September launch.

Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

NASA aPPEL Knowledge Services: NASA Missions to Shine New Light on Venus.

BBC: Why satellites are key to understanding Pacific volcano.
SpaceCom: Striking satellite photo captures Mount Vesuvius peering through a hole in the clouds.
SciNews (filmpje): The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano seen from space.
ECNS: Satellite images reveal Tonga before and after volcanic eruption (foto’s).
ESA: Sulphur dioxide from Tonga eruption spreads over Australia.
SpaceCom: Astronaut spots ash clouds from Tonga volcano eruption from space (photos).
SpaceCom: How satellites have revolutionized the study of volcanoes.
Parabolic Arc: EarthDaily Analytics Announces Mission Partners for the EarthDaily Satellite Constellation.
C4ISR.NET: National Reconnaissance Office awards five contracts for commercial satellite radar capabilities.
CSA: Satellite Earth observation: taking full advantage of space to help tackle and adapt to climate change.
CSA: Open data for climate action and more: Over 674 000 RADARSAT-1 images of Earth now available.

SciNews (filmpje): Yutu-2 has traveled over 1000 metres the far side of the Moon.
ECNS: Chinese lunar rover's 2-year travelogue on moon's far side reported.
PhysOrg: Update on Yutu-2 rover findings from far side of the moon.
Inside Outer Space: China’s Farside Moon Rover: Slip, Skid and Sticky Soil.
UPI: First lunar rovers in decades may explore the moon in 2022.
Space News: Plus Ultra’s lunar comsats to hitch rides on ispace moon landers.

NASA Mars Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3357-3360: Edging Closer and Closer to Panari.
NASA Mars Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3361: Keeping the Dog Leashed.
NASA Mars Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3362-3363: Sedimentologist's Delight.
NASA Mars Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3364-3366: Back at the Prow.
NASA: Podcast – On a Mission: First Steps: Sojourner - S4E2.
NASA Mars Ingenuity Status: Grounded: First Flight Delay Due to Inclement Weather on Another World.
Altijd interessant, en daarom twee voorbeelden:
UAHiRISE: HiRISE (NASA): Possible Mud Volcanoes on Mars.
UAHiRISE: HiRISE (NASA): Icy Cliffs on Mars.

De omgeving van onze zon:
Sky & Telescope: Interstellar Probe proposed to explore the solar neighborhood.

Russische ASAT test blijft voor problemen zorgen.
Breaking Defense: Biden’s space policy nominee backs ban on destructive ASAT testing, pushes norms.
Space Policy Online: NASA confirms Russian ASAT test doubled debris risk to ISS.

The Hindu: ‘China satellite in close encounter with Russian debris’.
PhysOrg: China satellite in close encounter with Russian debris: state media.
Space News: Chinese satellite in near miss with Russian ASAT test debris.

Wordt Europese Sentinel-1B snel vervangen?
Space News: ESA considering moving up radar satellite launch after Sentinel-1B malfunction.
The Register: ESA boss gives update on stricken Sentinel-1B imaging satellite: All is not lost yet.

Belgisch ruimtevaartnieuws.
Zoals in vorige NUDR te lezen werd ASIM onder begeleiding van het B.USOC op een nieuwe locatie ondergebracht.
Hier een foto van het instrument op zijn nieuwe thuis.
En uiteraard is er ook een filmpje:
ESA: Robotically moving ASIM the storm hunter on the International Space Station.

PROBA-3 begint meer en meer vorm te krijgen.
QinetiQ: The Proba-3 program takes an important step in the integration of its two satellites.
Belgium In Space: Het Proba-3 programma neemt een belangrijke stap bij de integratie van zijn twee satellieten.
Meer info over PROBA 3 bij ESA.

Drie nieuwe Belgische startups:
Space Solutions BE: Meet the new ESA BIC start-ups (met een filmpje).

En een vooruitblik op 2022 door de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België van een aantal verwachte hoogtepunten in tweets.
ESA Solar Orbiter en de EUI-Telescope. (tweet)
De derde GAIA Data release. (tweet)
JWST. (tweet)
De tweede ESA ExoMars missie. (tweet)
DART en de impact op Dimorphos. (tweet)
PROBA 2 die zijn 30ste zonsverduistering gaat waarnemen. (tweet)

Om af te ronden: Alternatief voor GPS – De sextant.
Popular Mechanics: The U.S. Navy’s New Unhackable GPS Alternative: The Stars

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