De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/23–550

Wordt het toch nog een laatste sprintje? Snoept Branson nog net de primeur weg voor Jeff Bezos? Of maak je met 28 miljoen dollar dan toch deel uit van een historische lancering? De eerste bemande vlucht van New Shepard. De eerste suborbitale ruimtevlucht mét toeristen. Het wordt alvast op dat vlak een hete zomer. Dat en uiteraard nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart van deze week. Op het einde van deze NUDR vind je trouwens nog een reeks artikels uit de afgelopen weken en maanden rond allerlei satellietconstellaties alsook de US Air Force.

Bij de foto: Wat mij betreft één van de mooiere foto’s ooit op Mars gemaakt. Niet zozeer van de planeet maar van de hardware die er geplaatst werd. We zien rechts de Chinese lander, links de Marsrover die oorspronkelijk op die lander stond. NASA’s Curiosity en Perseverance maakten met behulp van een camera op de robotarm al foto’s van zich zelf. Het helicoptertje Ingenuity fotografeerde al eens Perseverance. Maar deze foto wint toch de prijs van de originaliteit. Zhurong, dat Chinese Marsautootje, zette een remote cameraatje op het oppervlak en reed daarna achteruit. Met het bijgevoegde gevolg. Foto: CNSA.

Jeff Bezos op 20 juni de ruimte in. Of wordt Richard Branson toch nog de eerste? 28 miljoen dollar geboden voor extra zitje.
Dat Blue Origin een eerste bemande lancering met New Shepard zou doen op 20 juni was al geweten. Dat één van de zitjes per opbod zou verkocht worden, dat was ook geweten. Maar afgelopen week werd bevestigd dat Jeff Bezos zelf, samen met zijn broer, deel zou uitmaken van die eerste bemanning. En afgelopen zaterdag (12 juni) kwam met een bod van liefst 28 miljoen dollar een einde aan de veiling van een extra zitje. Geruchten doen ondertussen de ronde dat Virgin Galactic mogelijk op 4 juli Richard Branson mee de ruimte zou insturen. Zo zou Branson niet alleen een vlucht  eerder dan oorspronkelijk voorzien de ruimte in gaan, hij zou – uiteraard – ook voor Jeff Bezos gelanceerd worden.

Blue Origin: Blue Origin announces that Jeff Bezos and his brother Mark will join the auction winner on New Shepard’s first human flight on July 20th.
Blue Origin: The very first seat on New Shepard sells for $28 million.

Space News: Bezos to go on first crewed New Shepard flight.
Ars Technica: Jeff Bezos says he will fly into space next month.
Spaceflight Now: Bezos to join first crew for New Shepard suborbital spaceflight.
Time: Why Jeff Bezos Should Be Applauded for Going to Space.

Collect Space: First seat to space on Blue Origin's New Shepard sells for $28 million.
Space News: Blue Origin auctions New Shepard seat for $28 million.
Parabolic Arc: Blue Origin New Shepard Suborbital Seat Auctioned Off for $28 Million.
Geek Wire: Blue Origin sells seat on suborbital spaceship for $28 million after fast and furious bidding.
Collect Space: Behind Blue Origin bids: RR Auction vets viers for New Shepard seat.

Wired: How Risky Is It to Send Jeff Bezos to the Edge of Space?

SpaceWatch: Will Richard Branson go to space before Jeff Bezos?
Geek Wire: Virgin Galactic downplays rumblings about a suborbital Branson vs. Bezos space race.
Ars Technica: Branson may make a last-ditch effort to beat Bezos into space.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson Aims to Fly to Space Before Jeff Bezos.

Blue Origin: Jeff Bezos and his brother Mark will join the auction winner on New Shepard’s first human flight.
EuroNews: Jeff Bezos will fly to space on the first crewed flight of the Blue Origin rocket.
Scott Manley: Someone Paid $28million To Fly To Space With Jeff Bezos.

Nog dit:
Parabolic Arc:A  Look Back at Space Tourism Version 1.0 as New Gaggle of Millionauts Prepares to Fly.

China lanceert aardobservatiesatelliet.
China Daily: Long March 2D rocket sends four satellites into orbit.
NasaSpaceFlight: Chinese Chang Zheng 2D launches commercial Earth observation satellite and secondary payloads.

SciNews: Long March-2D launches Beijing-3 and 3 other satellites.

Atlas-lancering STP-3 uitgesteld – Probleem met toekomstige Vulcan motor.
NASA: Space Test Program-3 Launch Update.
Spaceflight Now: ULA delays Atlas 5 launch to study unexpected engine vibrations.
Scott Manley: ULA’s STP-3 Launch Delayed To Investigate Wobbly Engine #shorts.

Space News: GAO’s annual review of DoD programs raises concerns on space launch, missile warning satellites.
Het GAO-rapport – Weapn Systems Annual Assessment – vind je hier terug.

Relativity Space kondigt Terran R aan, een volledig herbruikbare raket.
Relativity Space: Relativity Unveils Its Plans For Terran R, The First Fully Reusable, Entirely 3D-Printed Rocket.
Relativity Space: Relativity Space Raises $650M To Scale Terran R Production.

Space News: Relativity raises $650 million round, announces Terran R rocket.
NasaSpaceFlight: Relativity Space reveals fully reusable medium lift launch vehicle Terran R.
Spaceflight Now: Relativity announces plans for fully reusable Terran R rocket.

Relativity Space: This Is Terran R.

Sierra Space – Dream Chaser – sluit overeenkomst met Britse ruimtehaven.
Space News: Sierra Space signs Dream Chaser agreement with British spaceport.
BBC: Spaceport Cornwall signs agreement with US company.
Satellite Today: Sierra Space Set to Obtain Landing Access for Dream Chaser at Spaceport Cornwall.

SpaceCom: World's largest swimming pool to house new astronaut training center.
BBC: Billionaires challenge Highlands space port plan.

Toerisme – Met de Russen naar het ISS.
TASS: Glavkosmos unveils details of space travel for future space tourists.
Parabolic Arc: Glavkosmos Offers Spacewalks, Capsule Purchase to Space Billionauts.

ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Astronauts Unload Dragon, Prep for Two U.S. Spacewalks.
NASA Space Station Blog: Human Research, Spacewalk Preps as Dragon Cargo Ops Continue.
NASA Space Station Blog: New Dragon Science Under Way during Spacewalk Preps.
NASA Space Station Blog: Robotics Prepping Station for Upcoming Solar Array Spacewalks.
NASA Space Station Blog: Space Botany and Biology Studies Under Way Benefitting Earth.

NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/07/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/08/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/09/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/10/2021.

Space Station Science Highlights: Week of June 7, 2021.

ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
BIRA: Thomas Pesquet installeert nieuw experiment voor het Belgisch ruimtecontrolecentrum om schuim in microzwaartekracht nader te bestuderen.
Beelden van de installatie vind je hier (Facebook BIRA).
Nog 2 filmpjes:
B.USOC: Een stukje Internationaal Ruimtestation op Aarde: het FSL Lab.
B.USOC: Experimenten controleren op het ISS: het Belgische B.USOC.

TASS: Progress space freighter to deliver Russian food to US, Japanese ISS crew members.

Roscosmos: Cosmonauts at Baikonur get acquainted with the Nauka module structure.
Roscosmos: Baykonur: Proton launch complex getting ready for Nauka module launch.

Space Daily: NASA's new $23 million space commode system is more than just a toilet.

SpaceWatch: Mauritius’ First Nanosatellite Reached The ISS.

PhysOrg: 'Space pups': Mouse sperm stored on ISS produces healthy young.
Science Daily: Space travel weakens our immune systems: Now scientists may know why.

TASS: Cosmonauts congratulate Russians on Russia Day onboard ISS.

NASA: Space to Ground: A Plethora of New Science: 06/11/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly 210611.
NASA: Expedition 65 JAXA Event - June 10, 2021.

De Russen en hun nieuwe ruimtestation.
TASS: Russian space agency to submit new orbital station project to government.
TASS: Russia’s future space station may serve as hub for spacecraft launch into deep space.

TASS: Russia’s decision about ISS participation depends on US sanctions on Roscosmos — chief.
TASS: Roscosmos expects US sanctions already this year — Rogozin.

CSS – China klaar om eerste bemanning ruimtestation te lanceren.
SpaceFlightNow: Long March 2F rocket rolls out to launch pad for China’s next human spaceflight.
Space News: China set to launch first astronauts to space station with Shenzhou-12.
Inside Outer Space: China Ready for Space Station Construction.

CCTV: China Ready for Launching Shenzhou-12 Manned Spaceship.
SciNews: Foreign astronauts on board the China Space Station.
SciNews: Shenzhou-12 ready for launch.
CCTV: Manned Spacecraft, Carrier Rocket for Shenzhou-12 Mission Arrive at Launch Area.

Testvlucht Indische bemande capsule Gaganyaan nog dit jaar?
The Times of India: Operations hit, but Isro still hopes for December launch.

Artemis – SLS/Orion.
Spaceflight Now: Ground teams begin process to hoist SLS core stage onto its launch platform.
NasaSpaceFlight: EGS starts Artemis 1 SLS Core Stage lift.
BBC: SLS: First view of Nasa's assembled 'megarocket'.

Ars Technica: NASA doesn’t need to test SLS anymore, but the Senate mandates it anyway.

Artemis – Gateway.
NasaSpaceFlight: Canadarm3 collision avoidance AI solutions sought as operational needs solidify.

Space News: Senate passes NASA authorization act.

SpaceX – Starship – Voorbereidend werk op een orbitale lancering.
NasaSpaceFlight: OLS grows ahead of Super Heavy debut – Raptor test capacity increases.
Teslarati: SpaceX inaugurates two new Starship engine test stands with a static fire.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls Starship launch tower section, giant water tank to orbital pad.

Teslarati: SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says Starship will take over Starlink launches.

NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy BN3 Methane Downcomer Lifted into High Bay | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Rollout Imminent for Fourth Launch Tower Section | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: New Radar Will Predict Upper Level Winds | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: BN2.1 undergoes testing, water tank and tower section rollout | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN20 Aft Dome Sleeved - Orbital Launch Tower Section Rollout | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Raptor Engines SN72 & SN74 Delivered | SpaceX Boca Chica.

NasaSpaceFlight: Starship SN15 Landed. Now What? | What's Next for SpaceX's Starship.
What About It: SpaceX Starship Phase 3 begins! First test candidate at Launch Site!

Ook ESA kiest voor een Venus-missie.
ESA: ESA selects revolutionary Venus mission EnVision.
ESA: EnVision: ESA's next mission to Venus (filmpje).

BIRA: België zal actief deelnemen aan het exploratieprogramma van Venus.
GovUK: UK Scientists on a mission to Venus.

Space News: ESA selects Venus mission.

China en Zhurong op Mars.
ECNS: China releases new Mars image taken by Tianwen-1 probe.
ECNS: Tianwen-1 sent back HD images of landing site on Mars.

CNA: Rover leaves 'China's imprint' on Mars.

SciNews: Zhurong’s landing site: before and after.
CCTV: China Releases High Resolution Image of Mars Rover's Landing Site.
CGTN: China releases images by its Tianwen-1 probe.
SciNews: Tianwen-1 Lander and Zhurong Rover seen by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
CCTV: China Unveils New Mars Images Showing National Flag on Red Planet.
CGTN: China releases Mars images taken by Zhurong Mars rover (filmpje).
SciNews: Zhurong rover and Tianwen-1 lander on Mars.
New China TV: GLOBALink | China's first Mars mission: Animation video of Zhurong rover working on Mars.
SciNews: Zhurong’s panorama explained.

Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

Los Alamos National Lab: Mapping the Heliosphere for the first time (filmpje).
Los Alamos National Lab: Parker Solar Probe: Keeping Its Cool.

Scott Manley: What Do We Hope To Learn By Sending New Probes To Venus? (filmpje).

ESA: Four mission ideas to compete for Earth Explorer 11

EurekAlert: Queqiao: The bridge between Earth and the far side of the moon.
NASA: NASA Selects New Science Investigations for Future Moon Deliveries  (CLPS).
GeekWire: To the moon! Amazon Web Services lists first startups for AWS Space Accelerator.
NASA: Lunar IceCube Passes Critical Testing at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3039-3141: Too Many Choices… A Good Problem to Have!
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3142-3143: Workspace of the Imagination.
NASA Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3144-3145: Fifty Meters at a Time.
NASA: NASA's Perseverance Rover Begins Its First Science Campaign on Mars.
Video From Space: Ingenuity completes 7th flight on Mars - See the first pics! (filmpje).
NASA: Mars Report: Update on NASA’s Perseverance Rover SuperCam Instrument (June 10, 2021) (filmpje).
NasaSpaceFlight: Mars Ascent Vehicle from Northrop Grumman takes shape for Mars Sample Return mission.
Sputnik News: China Plans to Bring Soil Samples From Mars by 2030.

NASA: NASA’s Juno to Get a Close Look at Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede.
NASA: See the First Images NASA’s Juno Took As It Sailed by Ganymede.
SciNews: Juno’s first images of Ganymede (filmpje).

Live Science: Boulders on asteroid Ryugu are surprisingly fluffy, Japan's Hayabusa2 probe finds.

EurekAlert: Asteroid 16 Psyche might not be what scientists expected.

Galileo – Airbus en Thales krijgen dan toch het contract voor 2de generatie.
De initiële keuze werd in januari van dit jaar gemaakt, maar ze werd aangevochten. Maar dat werd uiteindelijk niet aanvaard.
European Commission: Commission awards €1.47 bn in contracts to launch the 2nd Generation of Galileo Satellites.
Space News: Airbus, Thales win second-generation Galileo satellite contracts.

InsideGNSS: Galileo Satellite Contract Award Suspended in Mid-Air.
Seradata: EU turns from OHB in favour of Airbus and Thales for second-generation Galileo sats (Updated).

Delano: EU Court rules agains OHB in Galileo contract dispute.
ESA: ESA signs contract for new generation of Galileo.
Space News: ESA, Airbus sign long-delayed Galileo contract after court ruling.

Thales: Thales Alenia Space will play a major rol on-board Galileo 2nd generation and will boost performances and cubersecurity for the constellation.

Nog wat Galileo nieuwtjes:
EUSPA: Point.IoT 2021 – another year of exciting Galileo-powered IoT innovations.
European Commission: The Galileo/SAR unique feature "Return Link" enters Full Operational Capacity just one year after its presentation.
EUSPA: Smartphone users put their trust in Galileo with 2 billion Galileo-enabled devices sold.
Space News: Europe’s Galileo braces for more emergency in-orbit maneuvers.

En nog een Belgisch Galileo-nieuwtje.
Satellite Today: Septentrio Receiver Authenticates Galileo’s First End-to-End Encrypted signals.

ECNS: China's Beidou-related industry estimated to top 1 trln yuan by 2025.
ECNS: Multiple Beidou satellite navigation applications debut in Jiangxi.

Space Daily: China's Beidou-related industry estimated to top 1t yuan by 2025.

New China TV: GLOBALink | What are BeiDou's application trends?
New China TV: GLOBALink | How China's BeiDou system is applied in daily lives.
New China TV: GLOBALink | How can China's BeiDou navigation satellite system be applied?

SpaceX – Starlink.
Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink secures supply deal from Google’s cloud unit.
Space News: Starlink teams up with Google for ground infrastructure.
Via Satellite: Google Cloud Signs Deal with SpaceX to Connect with Starlink Satellites.

Space News: Viasat wants FCC to review Starlink’s government funding.
SpaceCom: Change to SpaceX's Starlink internet constellation faces legal challenge.
Space Thoughts: Episode 37 Viasat, FCC, NEPA and Starlink (filmpje).

Teslarati: Elon Musk’s Starlink files FCC application for user terminal with smaller antenna.
Teslarati: SpaceX VP says Starlink is almost ready to revolutionize in-flight internet.
Gizmodo: SpaceX’s Starlink Wants to Provide Your In-Flight WiFi.

ColdFusion: Starlink - A Deep Look at SpaceX's Internet of the Future (filmpje).
SpaceCom: Starlink: SpaceX's satellite internet project.

C4ISRnet: NORAD, NORTHCOM want $80 million to test SpaceX and OneWeb in the Arctic.

Space IT Bridge: Eutelsat invests $550M in OneWeb LEO constellation.
Space News: Eutelsat buys a quarter of OneWeb to get a LEO broadband growth engine.
Space News: Eutelsat financials show why it bought part of OneWeb.

C4ISRnet: Hughes and OneWeb working to fill military’s Arctic communication gap.

Nog meer satellietconstallaties.
EuroNews: EU plans to launch mega-constellation of satellites to run the internet from space (filmpje).
Via Satellite: European Commission LEO Initiative Begins to Take Shape.
Space News: Europe making progress on sovereign LEO constellation as OneWeb and Starlink race ahead.

SpaceQ: China’s constellation plans: The Middle Kingdom entering Low Earth Orbit.
Space News: China establishes company to build satellite broadband megaconstellation.
De Morgen: File om de aarde dreigt door China’s satellietnetwerk.

Thales: Sateliot will rely on the know-how of Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio for the deployment of its constellation of nanosatellites and for the development of the Internet of Things market.
SpaceQ: Australia’s Fleet Space Wants A Portion Of The LEO Internet Of Things Market.
IridiumComm: Iridium IoT: Building the Future (filmpje).

Thales: Thales Alenia Space will provide the optical inter satellite links for Telesat’s Lightspeed Low Earth Orbit 298-satellite constellation.
Space News: Kepler unveils expansion plans after $60 million funding round.
SpaceWatch: South Korea Hanwha to launch 2000 satellite LEO constellation.

Via Satellite: New LEO Constellations Drive Tech Changes on the Ground.
The Science Times: Megaconstellation Satellites Reentering Puts a Hole in Ozone Layer, Increases Atmosphere Pollution, and Uncontrolled Geoengineering.

Space Force nieuwtjes uit 2021.
Space News: Air Force to further study use of commercial rockets to deliver cargo around the world.
C4ISRnet: The Air Force wants rocket deliveries to anywhere on Earth in under an hour.
Space News: Air Force: Using commercial rockets to deliver supplies not as far-fetched as it sounds.
Air Force Times: Now boarding: Space Force wants to turn launch ranges into rocket ‘airports’.
Defense One: Can Rockets Deliver Supplies to War Zones? Space Force, Air Force Aim to Find Out.

Space News: Lockheed Martin gets $4.9 billion contract to build three missile-warning satellites for U.S. Space Force.
Gizmodo: U.S. Space Force Will Get Next-Gen Missile-Warning Satellites From Lockheed Martin.

C4ISRnet: The Space Force considers a new mission: tactical satellite imagery.
C4ISRnet: A new constellation? Space Force wants to get into tactical satellite imagery business.
Space News: Space Force looking to deploy radar satellites to track moving targets on the ground.

C4ISRnet: Space Force says new anti-jamming upgrade coming in 2022.
C4ISRnet: Space Force begins loaning anti-jamming GPS tech to allies.
Space News: Space Force selects Boeing, Northrop Grumman to develop jam-resistant communications satellites.

Space News: With Air Force funding, Numerica deploys telescopes to monitor space in broad daylight.

Space News: Op-ed | DoD weather capabilities have lagged; Space Force can turn that around.

Space News: Space Force to create ‘one-stop shop’ for launch procurement and operations.
Space News: DoD agencies to invest more than $1 billion in low-Earth orbit space technologies.
Space Daily: US Air and Space Forces budget released.
C4ISRnet: Space Force will set up one office for commercial services, including SATCOM and satellite imagery.
FoxNews: Biden boosts Space Force, a Trump legacy, despite fiscal warning signs.

Popular Mechanics: The Space Force Says We Have to Try Human Augmentation (1).
Popular Mechanics: The Space Force Says We Have to Try Human Augmentation (2).
Space News: To defend the high frontier, Space Force wants digitally minded troops.
Space News: Space Force tells troops to focus on digital skills.
Space Policy Online: Space Force lays out its vision as a digital service.

Collect Space: Space Force renames Florida space wing as Space Launch Delta 45.

Ook dat nog – Ex-Astronaut pleit schuldig in dodelijk auto-ongeluk.
SpaceCom: Former NASA astronaut pleads guilty in deadly car crash: Report.

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