De Werkgroep Ruimtevaart groepeert VVS-leden die zich interesseren in de ruimtevaart. Anderzijds proberen we op allerlei manieren over ruimtevaart te vertellen en te schrijven.

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Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart – Week 2021/22–549

Het ISS blijft voorlopig één van de belangrijkste bemande ruimtevaartprogramma’s. Met de levering van nieuwe zonnepanelen en met een op komst zijnde nieuwe Russische module zal er meer dan genoeg werk zijn voor de zevenkoppige bemanning van het ruimtestation. Het ruimtestation lijkt ook het centrum te gaan worden van het orbitale ruimtetoerisme, nu Axiom extra vluchten heeft vastgelegd. Maar er beweegt meer in de bemande ruimtevaart. Zo verwachten we deze week de eerste bewoners in het Chinese ruimtestation. Rusland werkt aan plannen voor een eigen ruimtestation. China en Rusland lijken ook verder werk te maken van hun maanstation. En in Boca Chica wordt volop gewerkt aan de Orbital Launch Tower. Een lancering van een Starship in een baan om de Aarde … als dat dit jaar nog zou lukken zet SpaceX een belangrijke stap in de richting van de Maan (en Mars). Dat en nog veel meer in het Nieuws Uit De Ruimtevaart.

Bij de foto: Het ISS wordt wel vaker getroffen door micrometeorieten of door héél klein stukjes ruimteafval. Maar een recent “gat” in de robotarm van het ISS (blijkbaar zonder verdere schade) bleek wat meer fotogeniek te zijn. Het incident haalde de pers en overal werd het gevaar van het ruimteafval weer dik in de verf gezet. Maar of het allemaal veel zal helpen om het probleem op te lossen …  Foto: NASA/Canadian Space Agency.

RocketLab zoekt nog steeds naar oorzaak falen Electron.
SpaceCom: FAA clears Rocket Lab to start flying again after failed launch.
Space News: Rocket Lab continues to study “complex” Electron failure.

China lanceert weersatelliet.
ECNS: China launches new meteorological satellite.
ECNS: China launches a new meteorological satellite (photo’s).
Global Times: China successfully launches new meteorological satellite, further boosts disaster event observation and response capability.

Space News: China launches Fengyun-4B meteorological satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: China’s Chang Zheng 3B launches Fengyun 4B weather satellite.

CGTN: China successfully launches new meteorological satellite.
CCTV: China Launches New Meteorological Satellite.
SciNews: Long March-3B launches FengYun-4B.

ISS – SpaceX lanceert CRS-22, bevoorrading voor het ruimtestation.
Teslarati: SpaceX’s second upgraded Dragon set to launch new solar arrays to the ISS.
Teslarati: SpaceX drone ships head to sea for back to back Falcon 9 launches.
Teslarati: SpaceX aces fourth Dragon launch in six months.

NASA: NASA, SpaceX Ready for Tomorrow’s Cargo Resupply Launch to Station.
NASA: SpaceX’s 22nd Cargo Resupply Mission Underway as Dragon Journeys to Station.
NASA: Science, Solar Arrays Launch on NASA’s SpaceX Cargo Mission.

Spaceflight Now: Launch timeline for SpaceX’s 22nd space station resupply mission.
Spaceflight Now: SpaceX cargo ship launches on mission to upgrade space station electrical grid.
Space News: Falcon 9 launches cargo Dragon mission to ISS.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches CRS-22, new solar arrays to International Space Station.

ISS National Lab: SpaceX CRS-22 to Launch Technology Development and Fundamental Science Investigations to the International Space Station.
ISS National Lab: SpaceX CRS-22 to Launch Numerous Investigations Supported by Private-Sector Partners.
ISS National Lab: More Than a Dozen Student Experiments to Launch to the International Space Station on SpaceX CRS-22.
ISS National Lab: SpaceX CRS-22 Mission Overview.

The Science Times: SpaceX to Deploy First Ethereum Node to ISS in Collaboration with SpaceChain.
NanoRacks: Nanoracks Launches Five Payloads on SpaceX CRS-22.

NASA: NASA's SpaceX CRS-22 Prelaunch News Conference.
SpaceX: CRS-22 Mission.
SciNews: SpaceX CRS-22 launch and Falcon 9 first stage landing.
NASA: SpaceX CRS-22 Launch: Liftoff.
NASA: SpaceX CRS-22: Falcon 9 First Stage Lands on Droneship.
NASA: SpaceX CRS-22: Dragon Spacecraft Separation.
NASA: NASA's SpaceX CRS-22 What's On Board Science Briefing.
NASA: SpaceX's CRS-22 Mission to the Space Station: What's On Board (samenvatting).
NASA: Why NASA is Sending Water Bears to Space.

ISS – CRS22 koppelt met het ISS.
Spaceflight Now: Dragon capsule delivers 7,300 pounds of cargo to International Space Station.
SpaceCom: SpaceX Dragon docks at space station to deliver new solar arrays and tons of supplies.

SciNews: SpaceX CRS-22 Dragon docking.

SpaceX lanceert Sirius XM-8.
Space News: SpaceX launches SiriusXM satellite.
NasaSpaceFlight: SpaceX launches 2nd mission in three days with SiriusXM-8.
Spaceflight Now: Falcon 9 launch timeline with SXM 8.
Spaceflight Now: SiriusXM to replenish radio broadcast fleet with launch early Sunday.

SpaceX: SXM-8 Mission.
America Space: 4K! SpaceX Launches CRS-22 (four different camera views).
SciNews: Falcon 9 launches SXM-8 and Falcon 9 first stage landing.

ISS – MMOD maakt gaatje in robotarm. Canadarm2 blijft operationeel.
MMOD = Micro-Meteorite / Orbital Debris.

CSA: Lucky strike: Canadarm2 stays the course after an orbital debris hit.
SpaceCom: Space station robotic arm hit by orbital debris in 'lucky strike' (video).
Universe Today: Nooo! Canadarm2 Hit by a Piece of Space Debris.
Spaceflight Now: Space debris damages Canadarm2 on space station.

Space News: Op-ed | Damage to Canadarm2 on ISS once again highlights space debris problem.

Ook nog dit:
NASA: Space Debris and Human Spacecraft.

ISS – Russische ruimtewandeling.
Spaceflight Now: Spacewalkers prepare space station’s Russian Pirs module for disposal.
TASS: Russian cosmonauts complete this year’s first spacewalk.

NASA: Russian Spacewalk 48 Animation.

ISS – Axiom voorziet al tot eind 2023 ISS-vluchten met Crew Dragon.
Space News: Axiom Space purchases three Crew Dragon missions.
SpaceCom: SpaceX to fly 3 more private astronaut missions to space station for Axiom Space.

ISS – Inspiration4.
SpaceCom: See the citizen astronauts of Inspiration4 learn how to fly a SpaceX Dragon (photos).

ISS – De blogentries, Daily Summary Reports en Science Highlights.
NASA Space Station Blog: Crew Focusing on Russian Spacewalk, U.S. Cargo Mission This Week.
NASA Space Station Blog: NASA TV Broadcasts Russian Spacewalk at Station Early Wednesday.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cosmonauts Exit Station and Begin Spacewalk.
NASA Space Station Blog: Cosmonauts Finish Spacewalk to Ready Station for New Module.
NASA Space Station Blog: Expedition 65 Crew Preps for Science-Packed Cargo Dragon.
NASA Space Station Blog: NASA TV Broadcasts Early Saturday Arrival of Cargo Dragon.
NASA Space Station Blog: SpaceX Cargo Craft Docks to Station.

NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/28/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/31/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/01/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/02/2021.
NASA: ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/03/2021.

Space Station Science Highlights: Week of May 31, 2021.

ISS – Nieuwe NASA Administrator praat met hoofd Roscosmos.
NASA: NASA Administrator Statement on Meeting with Roscosmos.

Space News: Nelson to speak with Rogozin on the future of the ISS.
CNN Business: NASA chief says Russia leaving ISS could kick off a space race.
Space Policy Online: Nelson, Rogozin to talk on Friday.

TASS: Roscosmos chief vows to offer NASA ‘most interesting projects’.
TASS: Roscosmos says joint space plans with US possible only after sanctions lifted.

Over het (mogelijke) Russische ruimtestation.
TASS: Work on schematics of Russia’s future orbital station to begin this summer — Rogozin.

ISS – Meer nieuws uit het ruimtestation.
ESA: A European in space – Thomas Pesquet in May.
ESA: Samantha in command.

NASA: Space to Ground: In Open Space: 06/04/2021.
NASA: SpaceCast Weekly - June 4, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 European Space Agency Education Event - June 1, 2021.
NASA: Expedition 65 Inflight with People Magazine - June 1, 2021.
ESA: Space chat between Samantha and David.
NASA: Houston, we have a podcast: The International Space Station and Beyond.

CSS – Nieuws i.v.m. het Chinese ruimtestation – Aftellen naar lancering eerste bemanning.
Spaceflight Now: Cargo ship docks with Chinese space station.
Pan Daily: China to Send Three Astronauts to Its Space Station in June after Successful Tianzhou-Tianhe Rendezvous.

SciNews: Tianzhou-2 - China’s first fast docking.
ECNS: A revie of China’s Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft.
CCTV: Tianzhou-2 Cargo Craft's Fast Automated Docking with Tianhe Space Core Module a Technical Milestone.
CCTV: Astronauts in Last-minute Training for China's Shenzhou-12 Manned Space Mission.

Een video podcast over de Chinese ruimtevaart:
Dongfang Hour: China Launches Tianzhou-2 Cargo Spacecraft to Space Station, Zhurong Rover's Deployment Prep - Ep 35.

En na gelijkaardige overgangen van het ISS nu ook voor het CSS:
CGTN: China's space station transits over the sun.

Artemis – SLS/Orion.
NASA: NASA Prepares to Stack Moon Rocket’s Core Stage.

NasaSpaceFlight: NASA evaluating schedule, launch date forecasts for Artemis 2.

Artemis – HLS.
Space News: Who will race SpaceX to the moon?

Artemis – Naar de Maan in 2024 (?)
Astronomy: Could hazardous space weather threaten NASA’s Artemis program?

The Science Times: Lunar Base, the Logical Next Step for Humans Says Elon Musk.

ESA: Moon habitat blueprint at Venice Biennale.
ESA: Life Beyond Earth: Venice Biennale lunar habitat.
ESA Explores (podcast): Time and Space: forward to the Moon.

Space News: South Korea signs Artemis Accords; Brazil, New Zealand likely next.
Space News: New Zealand signs Artemis Accords.

Space Thoughts: Episode 38: Update on the Artemis Accords.

De Maan, China en Rusland.
Space News: Russia, China hope to secure partners for moon base project.
The Space Review: Should India join China and Russia’s Lunar Research Station?

SpaceX – Starship – Voorbereidend werk op een orbitale lancering.
Teslarati: SpaceX Starship engine completes orbital-duration static fire test in Texas.
Teslarati: SpaceX bumps Starship booster engine count, ramps up Raptor factory.
Teslarati: SpaceX first Super Heavy ‘test tank’ is almost ready for prime time.
Teslarati: SpaceX rolls first Starship booster hardware to launch site.

NasaSpaceFlight: Laying the groundwork for Super Heavy amid Raptor Ramp Up.
Ars Technica: The US military is starting to get really interested in Starship.
The Science Times: Elon Musk's SpaceX Launch Platforms in the Ocean: Are Regular Space Trips Possible in Deimos, Phobos Oil Rig Transformed Sites?
The Science Times: SpaceX SN16: Documents Say New Starship Will Fly from Texas Next Month.

Sputnik News: Russian Space Agency Chief Calls Musk's Plans for Regular Mars Flights 'Absurdity' and 'Fairy Tales'.

NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Thrust Puck Spotted for 29 Raptor Engines | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy BN2.1 Test Tank on Structural Test Stand | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: LR 11350 "Frankencrane" Prepared for Boom Extension | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Super Heavy Test Tank BN2.1 Moved to the Launch Site for Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Frankencrane's Extension Continues as More Tower Sections Prepare for Roll Out | SpaceX Boca Chica.
NasaSpaceFlight: Orbital Launch Site Preps Continue as SN20 Aft Dome is Spotted | SpaceX Boca Chica.

En ook nog:
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship & Blue Origin: Protests, Trolling and more: Drama swirls around NASA's Moon Lander.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship Raptor Engine Completes Orbital Duration Static Fire Test | Ramps Up Raptor Factory.
Engineering Today: SpaceX Starship First Ocean Spaceport Is Being Built And Will Host Launches Next Year.
smallstars: Why Starship SN20 Won't Actually Achieve Orbit.

NASA kiest voor 2 Venus-missies.
NASA: NASA Selects 2 Missions to Study ‘Lost Habitable’ World of Venus.
Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin To Help NASA Uncover Mysteries Of Venus With VERITAS And DAVINCI+ Spacecraft.

Space News: NASA selects two Venus missions for Discovery program.
Ars Technica: Venus is so very nice, NASA is going there twice.
Space Policy Online: NASA picks not just one, but two Venus missions as next in the Discovery series.
Space Policy Online: NASA’s going to Venus – and so is Peter Beck.

VRT NWS: NASA keert na 30 jaar terug naar Venus: "Leren begrijpen waarom onze planeet wel leefbaar is en andere niet".

NASA: NASA's Return to Venus.
NASA: NASA’s New DAVINCI+ Mission to Venus.
NASA: NASA Science Live: We’re Going to Venus - NASA Selects Two New Missions.
NASA: Team Members from NASA's Two New Venus Missions Share Excitement.

Nieuws uit de (inter)planetaire ruimte.

Astrum: NASA's Parker Solar Probe Detected A Radio Signal From Venus' Atmosphere (filmpje).
Astronomy: What echoing radio waves taught us about Venus.

Knack: NASA start missie om klimaateffecten beter te voorspellen.
NOAA: Earth from Orbit: 2021 Hurricane Season Underway (filmpje).
NASA: NASA and Hurricanes: Five Fast Facts.
Space News: German startup raises funding for wildfire monitoring satellites.
Space News: Climavision emerges from stealth mode with $100 million for weather intelligence network.
SpaceCom: Satellites may have been underestimating the planet's warming for decades.
TASS: Russian private space firm to develop global climatic monitoring system.

ECNS: 8 Chinese names approved for features on Moon (filmpje).

NASA: Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3132-3135: Momento Roveri.
NASA: Curiosity Status Report: Sols 3136: Roving Out of Dodge… Hopefully!
NASA: Curiosity Status Report: Sol 3137-3138: The Rover Finally Roved.
NASA: NASA's InSight Mars Lander Gets a Power Boost.
SpaceCom: Perseverance rover marks 100th Mars day on the Red Planet.
Scott Manley: Mars Helicopter Completes Demo Mission, Gets New Mission To Explore Further! (filmpje).
SpaceCom: NASA's Perseverance rover is the 1st spacecraft in years to carry fresh US plutonium. It won't be the last.
ESA: ExoMars rover twin begins Earth-based mission in ‘Mars Terrain Simulator'.

the Making of JUICE: Rotating JUICE rotation (time lapse)  (filmpje).

NASA: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Celebrates Perfect Departure Maneuver from Asteroid Bennu.

ESA: The Incredible Adventures of the Hera mission – presenting Hera (filmpje).

NASA: NASA’s Lucy in the Cleanroom.

Uitstel voor lancering James Webb Space Telescope.
NASA: NASA Statement on James Webb Space Telescope Launch Readiness.
Space News: JWST launch slips to November.
Ars Technica: Webb telescope launch date slips again.
Universe Today: Another Delay for Webb, But This Time it’s Because of the Rocket, Not the Telescope.

ESA: James Webb Space Telescope launch kit.

aPPEL NASA: First Research for James Webb Space Telescope Set.

ESA: James Webb Space Telescope - Media briefing and Q&A.

Ruimtetoerisme: Virgin Galactic contract voor wetenschappelijke missie.
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic Announces New Contract for Human-tended Research Spaceflight.
Space News: Virgin Galactic signs contract for suborbital research mission.
Ars Technica: Virgin Galactic announces another human-tended science flight.
SpaceCom: Virgin Galactic to launch science communicator and researcher to space.

Parabolic Arc: Another Class Action Suit Filed Against Virgin Galactic.
Parabolic Arc: Virgin Galactic Files to Raise $1 Billion in Stock Sale.

Over de voorbije testvlucht:
Parabolic Arc: Breaking Down Virgin Galactic’s Latest Flight Test.
Ars Technica: After Virgin Galactic’s success on Saturday, how soon can it fly again?

Ruimtetoerisme: Blue Origin.
Parabolic Arc: New Shepard Auction Update: The Bid Remains the Same.

Filling Space: Why does space tourism matter?

Ook dat nog – Daten in de ruimte.
NZ Herald: Dating app for space tourists finds niche among the stars.

Veel lees- en kijkplezier,

